Robert Hickey, MD

Professor Emeritus
Wu WM, Carley J, Gentry T, Ginder-Vogel MA, Fienen M, Mehlhorn T, Yan H, Caroll S, Pace MN, Nyman J, Luo J, Gentile ME, Fields MW, Hickey RF, Gu B, Watson D, Cirpka OA, Zhou J, Fendorf S, Kitanidis PK, Jardine PM, Criddle CS. Pilot-scale in situ bioremedation of uranium in a highly contaminated aquifer. 2. Reduction of u(VI) and geochemical control of u(VI) bioavailability. Environ Sci Technol. 2006 Jun 15; 40(12):3986-95.
Wu WM, Carley J, Fienen M, Mehlhorn T, Lowe K, Nyman J, Luo J, Gentile ME, Rajan R, Wagner D, Hickey RF, Gu B, Watson D, Cirpka OA, Kitanidis PK, Jardine PM, Criddle CS. Pilot-scale in situ bioremediation of uranium in a highly contaminated aquifer. 1. Conditioning of a treatment zone. Environ Sci Technol. 2006 Jun 15; 40(12):3978-85.
Adrian NR, Arnett CM, Hickey RF. Stimulating the anaerobic biodegradation of explosives by the addition of hydrogen or electron donors that produce hydrogen. Water Res. 2003 Aug; 37(14):3499-507.