URM Fellowship Pipeline Program

Are you an anesthesiology resident from a community that is traditionally underrepresented in medicine (URiM)*? If so, we are excited to share a unique opportunity with you to demystify the fellowship application process and provide mentorship and sponsorship in your chosen field of fellowship study.  

In order to increase the opportunities available to underrepresented in medicine residents, we have created a unique fellowship pipeline mentorship program. In this program, applicants are paired with a specialty-trained faculty mentor at UCSF who will be available to work with you on application strategy and review, interview skills and techniques, and any other nuanced issues that may arise in association with applying for fellowship. This program is open to all residents, even those who ultimately do not wish to pursue fellowship at UCSF. It is designed for those who will be applying in the next cycle. Should space permit, others will be accommodated. For more information about this program, see the award-winning poster exhibited at the 2022 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting

If you are interested in participating, please complete the survey below: 


Thank you! 

Marla Ferschl, MD [email protected]  
UCSF Director of Anesthesia Fellow Education 

*At UCSF our working definition of an underrepresented minority (URM) is someone whose racial or ethnic makeup is from one of the following: 

  • African American / Black 
  • Asian: Filipino, Hmong, or Vietnamese only 
  • Hispanic / Latinx 
  • Native American / Alaskan Native 
  • Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander 
  • Two or more races, when one or more are from the preceding racial and ethnic categories in this list