Clinical Research Core

The Clinical Research Core provides support to principal investigators in clinical trial administration, clinical research coordinator support, statistical analysis, and data management. The Core consists of a clinical research supervisor, clinical research coordinators (CRCs), and statisticians. Our statisticians are available for complementary consultations or can devote effort to funded projects. The Core also provides guidance to principal investigators regarding hiring, recruiting, onboarding and training of clinical research coordinators. To work with the Core, contact Lauren Dickey or fill out our intake form.

Clinical Research Core resources

Refer to this document for what is expected of you to complete during the first 8 weeks of your role and for access to commonly needed information.

View the Clinical Research Coordinator Handbook

Refer to these documents for detailed information on consenting, patient safety reporting requirements, FDA preparation, and regulatory requirements.

View the Clinical Research Standard Operating Procedures and Checklists (MyAccess required)

Refer to these documents to find more information about working with the core.

View the Clinical Research Core Policies (MyAccess required)

Org chart for clinical research core