Resource index

Tool Description/Purpose    Notes 
Punch-out Catalog
Connects to the supplier's 
website, branded for UCSF and using our contract pricing
Examples: Office Max, Apple, Dell
Hosted Catalog Suppliers provide UCSF contract products and pricing via an electronic catalog hosted within BearBuy Shopping through search engine
Non-catalog Form Request goods that are not available through hosted catalog or punch-out This form can also be used to purchase goods that are not on punch-out catalog.

Payment Request Form 


Used to request payment for transactions that don’t require a purchase order. Cellphone/phone lines, guest lodging, honorarium
Meeting & Entertainment Payment Request Form

Electronic form for meeting & entertainment payment to vendor


Automated approval workflow


Status of form is readily available through BearBuy; host signature is not required

Account field must be completed; please refer to COA Account Tree for appropriate code (highlighted in yellow)

For requisition that requires exceptional approval, Supplemental Form must be completed and attached to the requisition in BearBuy; Ad hoc approver need to be added in BearBuy.

Facility Rental Form Event with contract

This form is to be used when submitting request for venue OR venue + catering;

When BearBuy PO is created, it does not generate payment; the Supplemental Form should be completed and submitted with every Facility Rental purchase order payment.

America To Go Punch-out catalog for purchasing food for business meetings and other campus events For requisition that requires exceptional approval, Ad hoc Approver needs to be added in Bear Buy. Effective February 1, 2016, ALL on-campus catering orders and payments to caterers must go through ATG.
After the fact PO Payment Request form is restricted to only those transactions that cannot be purchased using a PO or P-Card. All other after the fact transaction will be entered as a requisition in BearBuy, with justification for the purchase, an action plan outlining how this will be avoided in the future, as well as departmental approval signatures. 
BearBuy After-the-Fact Purchase Order Overview

If you need to submit an After the Fact PO:

  • In BearBuy, select After the Fact PO form to create a requisition to pay for unsupported invoice(s)
  • Please attach the following to the requisition
    1. Completed Justification Form
    2. Supporting documents or invoices
  • Please note that any order about $4,999.99 will be received by Supply Chain Management (SCM)/ Procurement Buyers
Complete and accurate invoice* Suppliers who receive BearBuy purchase orders are required to submit invoices through our electronic invoice solution Transcepta and receive electronic payment.  Link includes Transcepta information for suppliers
Miscellaneous Employee Reimbursement Examples: reimbursement for books, membership and license dues, lab supplies, etc.  
Entertainment/Meeting Expenses Business meetings and entertainment expense(s) that encompass meals and related services. University of California policy, BUS-79: Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions Create and Submit an Expense Report
Travel - Domestic (CONUS) Travel Reimbursement Claims (SCM Training)

Travel Policies: G-28

Travel Made Easy

Travel - Foreign (OCONUS) OCONUS = outside the continental United States  
Guest Travel UC Policy G-28, Travel Regulations applies to all official University travel, including employees and non-employees (e.g., students, guests, independent contractors, etc.) and travel funded by contracts and grants.  
Employee Moving and Relocation Submit a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) to claim reimbursement for employee relocation expenses (and associated travel expenses) or to claim any reimbursement that requires wire payment to a foreign individual. Policies: G-13, APM-560