The Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care at UCSF sponsors the Anesthesia Interest Group (AIG).
Developed for UCSF medical students interested in learning about the specialty of anesthesia, the AIG helps keep you informed and in contact with the Department. A wide range of resources and activities are designed for those seriously considering anesthesia as a career as well as those just curious about the specialty.
The AIG welcomes all UCSF students regardless of interest.
The AIG will:
- Arrange clinical shadowing opportunities for you
- Facilitate visiting various anesthesia venues to explore the specialty
- Conduct workshops on clinical skills such as airway management
- Keep you informed about Departmental events such as visiting professors and meetings
- Provide student membership in the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the specialty's primary professional society, to keep you informed about current issues in anesthesia. A subscription to the journal Anesthesiology is included (at your request). The department will cover the cost for UCSF student membership to the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
- Keep you informed about basic science and clinical research opportunities in the Department.
- Keep you informed about educational opportunities in the Department
- Sponsor seminars to discuss the specialty of anesthesia, the application/matching process and other relevant issues
- Facilitate advising and choosing a residency.
If you are interested in being included, please respond to Vasilis Tabakis at
Let us know what other issues you would like addressed.