Clinical Instructorship with Research Training

Clinical Instructorship with Research Training

Aims and mission of the Clinical Instructorship Program

The Clinical Instructorship with Research Training program is designed to provide clinical research training to individuals who wish to maintain a strong clinical commitment, while also participating in clinically oriented research. The program will provide training in clinical research study design methods and analytical techniques. At the end of the one to two-year training period, it is expected that trainees will become skilled at participating in high-quality patient-oriented research. This program is separate from the Pathway to Scientific Independence and NIH T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship programs that are designed for individuals intending to spend the majority of their professional time on research-related activities.

Training curriculum

The trainee is anticipated to complete coursework through the UCSF Training in Clinical Research (TICR) Program. This program is designed to provide training in clinical and outcomes research for physicians and other health scientists. Courses are taught by faculty in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Fellows may choose to pursue more rigorous clinical research through the Advanced Training in Clinical Research Certificate Program. In addition, trainees may also wish to enroll in other elective courses, such as scientific writing or the responsible conduct of research.

Research mentorship

The fellow must select one primary research mentor who will guide the research studies conducted by the fellow over the training period. Mentors in the Department of Anesthesia (all campuses) with a good track record of research and mentorship should be sought out by the fellow.

Qualifications of fellowship applicants

  • Completion of anesthesia residency training program in the United States or other countries with reputable training programs. 
  • For applicants who have completed residency training in another country, additional restrictions may apply.

Funding of fellowship

If the fellow has no external funding, the fellow is expected to participate clinically by working as an anesthesiologist at UCSF. The work schedule currently is designed to be:

  • Day Clinical Commitment: 2 days/week
  • Call Clinical Commitment: 1 day/month (i.e. 50% call).

If the individual participates clinically as described above, they will be appointed with the title of clinical instructor.

A period of proctoring may be required to determine the clinical competency of the individual who will function as an instructor-level anesthesiologist. If the research mentor has funding, partial salary support for a lesser clinical load may be allowed if indicated.

Application process

Prospective applicants should inquire by emailing their CV to CVs should be submitted at least 9 months preceding the potential fellowship start date. Following review of the CV, selected applicants will be invited to choose a research mentor and submit a full application, which will include the research mentor's name, a letter of intent describing the proposed research project, and an NIH-style Biosketch.