Underrepresented in Medicine Scholarship

Visiting Elective Scholarship Program (VESP)

The Visiting Elective Scholarship Program supported by the UCSF School of Medicine was established to encourage fourth year medical students who are underrepresented in medicine or are interested in working with diverse populations to apply for a clinical elective at UCSF. The scholarship program provides up to $2,000 and is designed to:

  • Expose fourth year medical students who are underrepresented in medicine or interested in working with diverse populations to an academic training program
  • Promote student interest in applying to an academic residency training program
  • Provide faculty and housestaff mentorship during the clinical elective experience

Clinical electives are four weeks in length and are available, space permitting, to U.S. visiting students. VESP participants are assigned a faculty advisor and have the opportunity to network with UCSF faculty, housestaff, and students. A diversity dinner with faculty and housestaff is held during each rotation. In addition, all participants are invited and encouraged to attend various seminars and lectures including those offered by the UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach and the UCSF Multicultural Resource Center.


  • Fourth year U.S. medical students who are underrepresented in medicine are encouraged to apply
  • Only students enrolled at an affiliated LCME-accredited institution or COCA-accredited AACOM member institution may apply
  • UCSF does not accept international students for clinical experiences
  • Student must be in good academic standing at an accredited US medical school
  • Requirements for the UCSF School of Medicine’s clinical electives must also be met. Please refer to VSAS for department-specific additional application requirements: UCSF VSAS Additional Requirements

  • Completed VESP application
  • An official academic transcript from your school of medicine
  • Recent CV
  • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member
  • A personal statement of up to 1,500 words describing your experience in working with diverse communities and future plans upon completing residency training.
  • **Please note: Students MUST also apply to the clinical elective program of their choice through the UCSF School of Medicine. Please refer to this link for more information.

Scholarships (up to $2,000 each*, to be used toward visiting student elective fees, transportation costs and lodging) will be awarded on the basis of:

  • Interest in pursuing a career in academic medicine
  • Interest in working with underserved populations
  • Leadership
  • Community service
  • Academic achievement as indicated by transcripts, letter of recommendation, etc

(*Funds are awarded upon completion of the elective. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement.)

DEADLINE: August 1st of each year

For further information or to receive an application, please contact:
UCSF Visiting Elective Scholarship Program
UCSF Office of Graduate Medical Education (OGME)
500 Parnassus Ave, MU 250E
Campus Box 0474
San Francisco, CA 94143-0474
email: UCSF-GME@medsch.ucsf.edu

Also visit the following websites:
UCSF School of Medicine
UCSF Office of Graduate Medical Education
UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach
UCSF Multicultural Resource Center
UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations at ZSFG

Please submit the following materials:

  • Completed VESP application, includes personal statement
  • Current CV
  • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member in your department of interest (email to UCSF-GME@medsch.ucsf.edu)
  • An official medical school academic transcript

Submit all VESP materials to*:
UCSF Visiting Elective Scholarship Program
UCSF Office of Graduate Medical Education (OGME)
500 Parnassus Ave, MU 250E
Campus Box 0474
San Francisco, CA 94143-0474
email: UCSF-GME@medsch.ucsf.edu

-Students must also apply to the department’s clinical elective program through the UCSF School of Medicine. All applications are reviewed and scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.

Eddie Cruz, M.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UCSF
Zuckerberg San Francisco General
1001 Potrero Avenue, MS6E
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: (415) 206 - 2837
Pager: (415) 443 – 2388
Fax: (415) 206 -3686
Email: CruzE@sfghpeds.ucsf.edu

Marie Lim
Anesthesia Clerkships Administrator
Millberry Union East, 4th floor
500 Parnassus Ave,
San Francisco, CA 94143-0648
Tel: (415) 476-2851
Email: clerkships@anesthesia.ucsf.edu