The UCSF Anesthesia Residency program recognizes the importance of resident research and scholarship. As part of the larger Pathway to Scientific Independence (PSI), we are offer three different options to meet the needs of different residents. The purpose of these tracks is to encourage careers in academic anesthesia by providing the support, time, and mentorship to achieve success.
Anesthesiology Innovative Research Residency (AIRR)
Matched Position: Five-year residency with 24 months of 80% protected research time
Inaugurated with the incoming residents of July 2012, and rebranded in 2024, the AIRR program is an innovative residency track designed to produce investigators in anesthesiology who will go on to become leaders in their areas of expertise. This track is intended to rigorously prepare candidates for academic careers as independent clinician-scientists. Trainees will benefit from the wealth of research opportunities available on the UCSF campus while training clinically in one of the top-ranking anesthesiology residency programs in the country.
Prior formal research training is not a pre-requisite for this track; rather, candidates must demonstrate aptitude, insight, productivity, and enthusiasm to engage in innovative and high-quality research, be it patient-oriented, translational, basic, or quantitative. Three positions are available each year and applicants can rank this program in the NRMP Match.
These positions come with funds to support research projects. During the research months, residents will have the opportunity to complete coursework and participate in other UCSF and UCSF-affiliated research programs.
ARRISE (Alternative Resident Research and Innovation for Scientific Excellence)
There is no additional residency time for the ARRISE Program. Applications will be accepted in the CA1 year.
6-month track
For residents who have matriculated to UCSF and are interested in pursuing a significant time devoted to research, 6 months of 80% protected time can be awarded for projects in the CA2-3 year of residency. Applications are open to CA1 residents who have identified a mentor and worked with their mentor to develop a project. Scheduling is flexible and time in the CA2 year could be used in preparation for an extended block in the CA3 year to complete the project.
3-month track
Residents who have smaller scale projects are also encouraged to apply in the CA1 year for protected time for a scholarly project in their CA3 year. Mentorship and project scope are critical to success with this track. Flexibility for when protected time is scheduled will be considered to aid in successful completion of proposal.