ZSFG hospital and front steps

UCSF Anesthesia & Perioperative Care at Zuckerberg San Francisco General

About this site

Zuckerberg San Francisco General is a licensed general acute care hospital within the Community Health Network, which is owned and operated by the City and County of San Francisco, Department of Public Health. ZSFG provides a full complement of inpatient, outpatient, emergency, skilled nursing, diagnostic, mental health, and rehabilitation services for adults and children. It is the largest acute inpatient and rehabilitation hospital for psychiatric patients in San Francisco. Additionally, it is the only acute hospital in San Francisco that provides twenty-four hour psychiatric emergency services. 

ZSFG is world renowned for its expertise in trauma and neurotrauma / neurologic critical care. As a UCSF affiliate, ZSFG has a long and distinguished history of research in diverse areas including trauma, AIDS, anesthesia, and critical care. 

ZSFG Trauma Center 

ZSFG operates the only level 1 trauma center for more than 1.5 million residents of San Francisco and northern San Mateo County. 

For more information about the ZSFG Trauma center please visit Trauma Team

The UCSF ZSFG partnership 

Since 1864, the UCSF School of Medicine and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital have worked in close collaboration to provide health care services for the people of San Francisco. UCSF physicians, residents, respiratory care practitioners, and laboratory technicians provide patient care at the ZSFG which is regarded as one of the finest public hospitals in the nation. 

Some of UCSF's most groundbreaking research also takes place at ZSFG. For more information about the collaboration between these two leading institutions, please visit UCSF at Zuckerberg San Francisco General


Historical timeline

Split image of County Hospital in 1872 on top and below a site plan drawing of the grounds and buildings.
County Hospital in 1872, top, and a site plan drawing of the grounds and buildings, bottom.

In 1872, the city of San Francisco built a 400-bed hospital on Potrero Avenue, the current SFGH Campus location. This all-wood construction hospital became one of four emergency hospitals operated by the City by 1904 (Central, Harbor, Park, and Potrero).

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