respiratory care therapist in a hospital room.

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Our mission is to promote the best personalized perioperative care experience for our patients in line with the core principles of justice, equity, safety, and sustainability, and in 2023 we made significant advancements across multiple domains, reflecting our steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional care and fostering innovation. 

In our clinical domain, our dedication to excellence in trauma care was highlighted during the 2023 ACS trauma visit, reaffirming our position as a leader in this critical field. We continue to excel in areas such as obstetrics, acute and chronic pain management, perioperative medicine, and critical care, ensuring a comprehensive and personalized perioperative care experience for our patients. 

We thrived in the academic realm as well, with numerous grants secured from federal agencies and foundations, over 100 publications in 2022-2023 covering a diverse range of research topics, including basic science, clinical research, data science, global health and equity, and quality improvement. 

We also successfully relocated to Pride Hall, facilitating the development of a more collaborative research model. Additionally, we have introduced new educational opportunities, including our quarterly international complex case conference, receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from trainees. 

Financially, we celebrate a marked improvement in ZSFG finances, evidenced by a positive end-of-year balance for the third consecutive year and the restoration of healthy reserves, ensuring our sustainability and continued growth. 

Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) remains steadfast, with several initiatives initiated following our last faculty retreat, resulting in tangible achievements in areas such as compensation and recruitment. Looking ahead, we are excited to continue this journey, with our next retreat scheduled for Spring 2024. 

Finally, our recent reorganization of our ABO reflects our ongoing efforts to streamline operations and enhance efficiency, further bolstering our ability to deliver exceptional care and advance our mission.

Romain Pirracchio, MD, PhD 
Clinical Director/CCM, ZSFG