Role Faculty Location Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Category Clinical Research Specialties Critical Care Medicine Trauma Education PostDoc, 2013 - Biostatistics, UC BerkeleyPhD, 2012 - Biostatistics, Université Paris DiderotMSc MPH, 2009 - Biostatistics, Université Paris DiderotFellowship, 2005 - Critical Care Medicine, Université Paris DiderotResidency, 2003 - Anesthesia and Critical Care, Université Paris DiderotMD, 1999 - Medcine, Université Paris Diderot Publications Challenges with reinforcement learning model transportability for sepsis treatment in emergency care. Nauka PC, Kennedy JN, Brant EB, Komorowski M, Pirracchio R, Angus DC, Seymour CW Postoperative Delirium in a Randomized Trial of Intraoperative Norepinephrine versus Phenylephrine Infusion. Phero A, Bokoch MP, Kothari R, Fong N, Chen D, Pirracchio R, Legrand M, Whitlock EL Crowd-sourced machine learning prediction of long COVID using data from the National COVID Cohort Collaborative. Bergquist T, Loomba J, Pfaff E, Xia F, Zhao Z, Zhu Y, Mitchell E, Bhattacharya B, Shetty G, Munia T, Delong G, Tariq A, Butzin-Dozier Z, Ji Y, Li H, Coyle J, Shi S, Philips RV, Mertens A, Pirracchio R, van der Laan M, Colford JM, Hubbard A, Gao J, Chen G, Velingker N, Li Z, Wu Y, Stein A, Huang J, Dai Z, Long Q, Naik M, Holmes J, Mowery D, Wong E, Parekh R, Getzen E, Hightower J, Blase J, Long COVID Computational Challenge Participants, N3C Consortium Open Access Data Repository and Common Data Model for Pulse Oximeter Performance Data. Fong N, Lipnick MS, Behnke E, Chou Y, Elmankabadi S, Ortiz L, Almond CS, Auchus I, Burnett GW, Bisegerwa R, Conrad DR, Hendrickson CM, Hooli S, Kopotic R, Leeb G, Martin D, McCollum ED, Monk EP, Moore KL, Shmuylovich L, Scott JB, Wong AI, Zhou T, Pirracchio R, Bickler PE, Feiner J, Law T Predicting Long COVID in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative Using Super Learner: Cohort Study. Butzin-Dozier Z, Ji Y, Li H, Coyle J, Shi J, Phillips RV, Mertens AN, Pirracchio R, van der Laan MJ, Patel RC, Colford JM, Hubbard AE, National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Consortium Low-Dose Corticosteroids for Critically Ill Adults With Severe Pulmonary Infections: A Review. Pirracchio R, Venkatesh B, Legrand M A deep learning approach for generating intracranial pressure waveforms from extracranial signals routinely measured in the intensive care unit. Nair SS, Guo A, Boen J, Aggarwal A, Chahal O, Tandon A, Patel M, Sankararaman S, Durr NJ, Azad TD, Pirracchio R, Stevens RD Reporting Use of AI in Research and Scholarly Publication-JAMA Network Guidance. Flanagin A, Pirracchio R, Khera R, Berkwits M, Hswen Y, Bibbins-Domingo K Harnessing machine learning for the early prediction of ventilator-associated pneumonia: A leap towards precision in critical care. Garcia-Alamino JM, Pirracchio R Association between peripheral perfusion index and postoperative acute kidney injury in major noncardiac surgery patients receiving continuous vasopressors: a post hoc exploratory analysis of the VEGA-1 trial. Krone S, Bokoch MP, Kothari R, Fong N, Tallarico RT, Sturgess-DaPrato J, Pirracchio R, Zarbock A, Legrand M IntraCranial pressure prediction AlgoRithm using machinE learning (I-CARE): Training and Validation Study. Fong N, Feng J, Hubbard A, Dang LE, Pirracchio R Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine: 9 years of international publication. Lefrant JY, Lorne E, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Milman A, Roquilly A Good Luck ACCPM. Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Lorne E, Roquilly A Management of supraventricular arrhythmias in the intensive care unit: a step in the right direction. Wetterslev M, Pirracchio R, Jung C Negativity and Positivity in the ICU: Exploratory Development of Automated Sentiment Capture in the Electronic Health Record. Kennedy CJ, Chiu C, Chapman AC, Gologorskaya O, Farhan H, Han M, Hodgson M, Lazzareschi D, Ashana D, Lee S, Smith AK, Espejo E, Boscardin J, Pirracchio R, Cobert J Development of a core outcome set for ventilation trials in neurocritical care patients with acute brain injury: protocol for a Delphi consensus study of international stakeholders. Digitale J, Burns G, Fong N, Boesel J, Robba C, Stevens RD, Cinotti R, Pirracchio R Development of a Machine Learning Model of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury Using Non-Invasive Time-Sensitive Intraoperative Predictors. Zamirpour S, Hubbard AE, Feng J, Butte AJ, Pirracchio R, Bishara A Postextubation Noninvasive Respiratory Support in Patients with Acute Brain Injury: Not a Panacea, but Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater! Pirracchio R, Rabinstein AA Platelet transfusion before CVC placement in patients with thrombocytopenia. Boulet N, Lefrant JY, Mimoz O, Roger C, Pirracchio R Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Low-Dose Hydrocortisone in Adults with Septic Shock. Pirracchio R, Annane D, Waschka AK, Lamontagne F, Arabi YM, Bollaert PE, Billot L, Du B, Briegel J, Cohen J, Finfer S, Gordon A, Hammond N, Hyvernat H, Keh D, Li Y, Liu L, Meduri GU, Mirea L, Myburgh JA, Sprung CL, Tilouche N, Tongyoo S, Venkatesh B, Zheng R, Delaney A Availability of information needed to evaluate algorithmic fairness - A systematic review of publicly accessible critical care databases. Fong N, Langnas E, Law T, Reddy M, Lipnick M, Pirracchio R Leveraging observational data to identify targeted patient populations for future randomized trials. Lazzareschi DV, Fong N, Pirracchio R, Mathis MR, Legrand M Pulse contour techniques for perioperative hemodynamic monitoring: A nationwide carbon footprint and cost estimation. Michard F, Futier E, Desebbe O, Biais M, Guinot PG, Leone M, Licker MJ, Molliex S, Pirracchio R, Provenchère S, Schoettker P, Zieleskiewicz L Intensive Care Unit activity in France from the national database between 2013 and 2019: More critically ill patients, shorter stay and lower mortality rate. Boulet N, Boussere A, Mezzarobba M, Sofonea MT, Payen D, Lipman J, Laupland KB, Rello J, Lefrant JY, Muller L, Roger C, Pirracchio R, Mura T, Boudemaghe T Overcoming barriers in the design and implementation of clinical trials for acute kidney injury: a report from the 2020 Kidney Disease Clinical Trialists meeting. Lazzareschi D, Mehta RL, Dember LM, Bernholz J, Turan A, Sharma A, Kheterpal S, Parikh CR, Ali O, Schulman IH, Ryan A, Feng J, Simon N, Pirracchio R, Rossignol P, Legrand M Norepinephrine versus phenylephrine for treating hypotension during general anaesthesia in adult patients undergoing major noncardiac surgery: a multicentre, open-label, cluster-randomised, crossover, feasibility, and pilot trial. Legrand M, Kothari R, Fong N, Palaniappa N, Boldt D, Chen LL, Kurien P, Gabel E, Sturgess-DaPrato J, Harhay MO, Pirracchio R, Bokoch MP, VEGA-1 trial investigators Personalized online ensemble machine learning with applications for dynamic data streams. Malenica I, Phillips RV, Chambaz A, Hubbard AE, Pirracchio R, van der Laan MJ Database-based machine learning in sepsis deserves attention. Author's reply. Kalimouttou A, Pirracchio R Intraoperative Use of Albumin in Major Noncardiac Surgery: Incidence, Variability, and Association With Outcomes. Lazzareschi DV, Fong N, Mavrothalassitis O, Whitlock EL, Chen CL, Chiu C, Adelmann D, Bokoch MP, Chen LL, Liu KD, Pirracchio R, Mathis MR, Legrand M, MPOG Collaborators Persisting high rates of omissions during anesthesia induction are decreased by utilization of a pre- & post-induction checklist. Krombach JW, Zürcher C, Simon SG, Saxena S, Pirracchio R Building a better machine learning model of extubation for neurocritical care patients. Author's reply. Pirracchio R, Asehnoune K, Cinotti R Comprehensive analysis of coagulation factor delivery strategies in a cohort of trauma patients. Roquet F, Godier A, Garrigue-Huet D, Hanouz JL, Vardon-Bounes F, Legros V, Pirracchio R, Ausset S, Duranteau J, Vigué B, Hamada SR, Traumabase® group Machine-learning-derived sepsis bundle of care. Kalimouttou A, Lerner I, Cheurfa C, Jannot AS, Pirracchio R Optimizing the Design and Analysis of Future AKI Trials. Legrand M, Bagshaw SM, Koyner JL, Schulman IH, Mathis MR, Bernholz J, Coca S, Gallagher M, Gaudry S, Liu KD, Mehta RL, Pirracchio R, Ryan A, Steubl D, Stockbridge N, Erlandsson F, Turan A, Wilson FP, Zarbock A, Bokoch MP, Casey JD, Rossignol P, Harhay MO A descriptive appraisal of quality of reporting in a cohort of machine learning studies in anesthesiology. Kothari R, Chiu C, Moukheiber M, Jehiro M, Bishara A, Lee C, Pirracchio R, Celi LA Upcoming and urgent challenges in critical care research based on COVID-19 pandemic experience. Verdonk F, Feyaerts D, Badenes R, Bastarache JA, Bouglé A, Ely W, Gaudilliere B, Howard C, Kotfis K, Lautrette A, Le Dorze M, Mankidy BJ, Matthay MA, Morgan CK, Mazeraud A, Patel BV, Pattnaik R, Reuter J, Schultz MJ, Sharshar T, Shrestha GS, Verdonk C, Ware LB, Pirracchio R, Jabaudon M Risk factors of long term symptoms and outcomes among patients discharged after covid-19: prospective, multicentre observational study. Legrand M, Fong N, Laouénan C, Ghosn J, Thill B, Faure K, Garot D, Goujard C, Curlier E, Resche-Rigon M, Rossignol P, Pirracchio R Fluids, vasopressors, and acute kidney injury after major abdominal surgery between 2015 and 2019: a multicentre retrospective analysis. Chiu C, Fong N, Lazzareschi D, Mavrothalassitis O, Kothari R, Chen LL, Pirracchio R, Kheterpal S, Domino KB, Mathis M, Legrand M Clinical artificial intelligence quality improvement: towards continual monitoring and updating of AI algorithms in healthcare. Feng J, Phillips RV, Malenica I, Bishara A, Hubbard AE, Celi LA, Pirracchio R Peace, not war in Ukraine or anywhere else, please. Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Fischer MO, Njeim R, Allaouchiche B, Bastide S, Biais M, Bouvet L, Brissaud O, Brull SJ, Capdevila X, Clausen N, Cuvillon P, Dadure C, David JS, Du B, Einav S, Eley V, Forget P, Fujii T, Godier A, Gopalan DP, Hamada S, Hasanin A, Joannes-Boyau O, Kerever S, Kipnis É, Kolodzie K, Landau R, Le Gall A, Le Guen M, Legrand M, Lorne E, Mercier FJ, Mongardon N, Myatra S, Nicolas-Robin A, John Peters M, Quintard H, Rello J, Richebé P, Roberts JA, Rocquilly A, Sanfilippo F, Schneider A, Sofonea MT, Veyckemans F, Zetlaoui P, Zeidan A, Zieleskiewicz L, Zielinska M, Von Ungern-Sternberg B, Abou Arab O, Blet A, Bounes F, Boisson M, Caillard A, Carillion A, Clavier T, Frasca D, James A, Sigaut S, Rozencwajg S, Albaladejo P, Bouaziz H Bayesian logistic regression for online recalibration and revision of risk prediction models with performance guarantees. Feng J, Gossmann A, Sahiner B, Pirracchio R Beyond miracles and heroes: time for an anaesthesia checklist mandate. Saxena S, Pirracchio R, Krombach JW The past, the present and the future of machine learning and artificial intelligence in anesthesia and Postanesthesia Care Units (PACU). Pirracchio R Causal inference in case of near-violation of positivity: comparison of methods. Léger M, Chatton A, Le Borgne F, Pirracchio R, Lasocki S, Foucher Y Clinical decision support for severe trauma patients: Machine learning based definition of a bundle of care for hemorrhagic shock and traumatic brain injury. Lang E, Neuschwander A, Favé G, Abback PS, Esnault P, Geeraerts T, Harrois A, Hanouz JL, Kipnis E, Leone M, Legros V, Mellati N, Pottecher J, Hamada S, Pirracchio R, for Traumabase Group An international survey of adherence to Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines 2016 regarding fluid resuscitation and vasopressors in the initial management of septic shock. Bitton E, Zimmerman S, Azevedo LCP, Benhamou D, Cecconi M, De Waele JJ, Lipman J, Martin-Loeches I, Pirracchio R, Scheeren TWL, Leone M, Einav S One- versus two-sided statistical tests: A never-ending debate. Roquet F, Pirracchio R 2021 adaptation of the editorial policy of Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine (ACCPM). Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Njeim R, Ausset S, Bastide S, Biais M, Bouvet L, Brissaud O, Brull SJ, Capdevila X, Cuvillon P, Dadure C, David JS, Bin D, Fischer MO, Forget P, Fujii T, Godier A, Gopalan DP, Hamada S, Joannes-Boyau O, Kerever S, Kipnis É, Kolodzie K, Landau R, Le Gall A, Le Guen M, Legrand M, Lonnqvist PA, Lorne E, Mercier F, Mongardon N, Nicolas-Robin A, Peters MJ, Quintard H, Rello J, Richebe P, Roberts JA, Rocquilly A, Schneider A, Veyckemans F, Zetlaoui P, Abou Arab O, Blet A, Bounes F, Boisson M, Caillard A, Carillon A, Clavier T, Frasca D, James A, Sigaut S, Rozencwajg S, Bouaziz H Outcome of surgical patients during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in US hospitals. Mavrothalassitis O, Pirracchio R, Fong N, Lazzareschi D, Sharma A, Vaughn MT, Mathis M, Legrand M Terror in Paris: Incidence and risk factors for infections related to high-energy ammunition injuries. Birnbaum R, Bitton R, Pirracchio R, Féral-Pierssens AL, Constant AL, Dubost C, Chousterman B, Lescot T, Lortat-Jacob B, Harrois A, Abback PS, Belbachir A, Basto E, Castier Y, Laitselart P, Carli P, Lapostolle F, Tourtier JP, Langlois M, Raux M, Mounier R, TRAUMABASE Group The Physiological Deep Learner: First application of multitask deep learning to predict hypotension in critically ill patients. Cherifa M, Interian Y, Blet A, Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R ICU bed capacity during COVID-19 pandemic in France: From ephemeral beds to continuous and permanent adaptation. Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Dureuil B, Pottecher J, Samain E, Joannes-Boyau O, Bouaziz H ARDS Outcomes in Non-Research Subjects Assessed by Generalized Prospective Trial Eligibility Criteria and Adherence to Lung-Protective Ventilation. Kallet RH, Lipnick MS, Pirracchio R Corticosteroids for treating sepsis in children and adults. Annane D, Bellissant E, Bollaert PE, Briegel J, Keh D, Kupfer Y, Pirracchio R, Rochwerg B Effects of low-dose hydrocortisone and hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone in adults with septic shock: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. Annane D, Pirracchio R, Billot L, Waschka A, Chevret S, Cohen J, Finfer S, Gordon A, Hammond N, Myburgh J, Venkatesh B, Delaney A, ULYSSES IPDMA Collaborators Assessment of Machine Learning to Estimate the Individual Treatment Effect of Corticosteroids in Septic Shock. Pirracchio R, Hubbard A, Sprung CL, Chevret S, Annane D, Rapid Recognition of Corticosteroid Resistant or Sensitive Sepsis (RECORDS) Collaborators Automated weaning from mechanical ventilation: Results of a Bayesian network meta-analysis. Neuschwander A, Chhor V, Yavchitz A, Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R Healthcare System Response to a Global Pandemic: Plea for a universal coordinated healthcare model. Pirracchio R Response of US hospitals to elective surgical cases in the COVID-19 pandemic. Pirracchio R, Mavrothalassitis O, Mathis M, Kheterpal S, Legrand M Dynamic impact of transfusion ratios on outcomes in severely injured patients: Targeted machine learning analysis of the Pragmatic, Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios randomized clinical trial. Nguyen M, Pirracchio R, Kornblith LZ, Callcut R, Fox EE, Wade CE, Schreiber M, Holcomb JB, Coyle J, Cohen M, Hubbard A The clinical artificial intelligence department: a prerequisite for success. Cosgriff CV, Stone DJ, Weissman G, Pirracchio R, Celi LA Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is associated with Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19. Dudoignon E, Moreno N, Deniau B, Coutrot M, Longer R, Amiot Q, Mebazaa A, Pirracchio R, Depret F, Legrand M Accuracy of a multiparametric score based on pulse wave analysis for prediction of fluid responsiveness: ancillary analysis of an observational study. Neuschwander A, Barthélémy R, Ditchi D, Dramé F, Redouté M, Stern J, Cholley B, Mebazaa A, Chousterman BG, Pirracchio R Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a registry study. Bougouin W, Dumas F, Lamhaut L, Marijon E, Carli P, Combes A, Pirracchio R, Aissaoui N, Karam N, Deye N, Sideris G, Beganton F, Jost D, Cariou A, Jouven X, Sudden Death Expertise Center investigators Is Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Withdrawal a Safe Option After Double-Lung Transplantation? Fessler J, Sage E, Roux A, Feliot E, Gayat E, Pirracchio R, Parquin F, Cerf C, Fischler M, Le Guen M Effect of fibrinogen concentrate administration on early mortality in traumatic hemorrhagic shock: A propensity score analysis. Hamada SR, Pirracchio R, Beauchesne J, Benlaldj MN, Meaudre E, Leone M, Pottecher J, Abback PS, Gauss T, Boutonnet M, Cook F, Garrigue D, Lesache F, Julie J, Rouquette A, Duranteau J Prediction of an Acute Hypotensive Episode During an ICU Hospitalization With a Super Learner Machine-Learning Algorithm. Cherifa M, Blet A, Chambaz A, Gayat E, Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R Haemodynamic management during hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy: A systematic review. Bezu L, Raineau M, Deloménie M, Cholley B, Pirracchio R Modified 4T score for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia diagnosis in VA-ECMO patients. Renou A, Neuschwander A, Kimmoun A, Brodie D, Pirracchio R, HIT-ECMO Study Group Should we ban hydroethyl starches from the operating theatre? PRO. Legrand M, Pirracchio R Performance of propensity score matching to estimate causal effects in small samples. Andrillon A, Pirracchio R, Chevret S Expert-augmented machine learning. Gennatas ED, Friedman JH, Ungar LH, Pirracchio R, Eaton E, Reichmann LG, Interian Y, Luna JM, Simone CB, Auerbach A, Delgado E, van der Laan MJ, Solberg TD, Valdes G Prehospital triage of acute aortic syndrome using a machine learning algorithm. Duceau B, Alsac JM, Bellenfant F, Mailloux A, Champigneulle B, Favé G, Neuschwander A, El Batti S, Cholley B, Achouh P, Pirracchio R Association between hydroxocobalamin administration and acute kidney injury after smoke inhalation: a multicenter retrospective study. Dépret F, Hoffmann C, Daoud L, Thieffry C, Monplaisir L, Creveaux J, Annane D, Parmentier E, Mathieu D, Wiramus S, Demeure DIt Latte D, Kpodji A, Textoris J, Robin F, Klouche K, Pontis E, Schnell G, Barbier F, Constantin JM, Clavier T, du Cheyron D, Terzi N, Sauneuf B, Guerot E, Lafon T, Herbland A, Megarbane B, Leclerc T, Mallet V, Pirracchio R, Legrand M Corticosteroids for treating sepsis in children and adults. Annane D, Bellissant E, Bollaert PE, Briegel J, Keh D, Kupfer Y, Pirracchio R, Rochwerg B What every intensivist should know about Big Data and targeted machine learning in the intensive care unit. Cherifa M, Pirracchio R Association of Early, High Plasma-to-Red Blood Cell Transfusion Ratio With Mortality in Adults With Severe Bleeding After Trauma. Roquet F, Neuschwander A, Hamada S, Favé G, Follin A, Marrache D, Cholley B, Pirracchio R, Traumabase Group Anaesthesia-specific checklists: A systematic review of impact. Saxena S, Krombach JW, Nahrwold DA, Pirracchio R Early changes in diaphragmatic function evaluated using ultrasound in cardiac surgery patients: a cohort study. Tralhão A, Cavaleiro P, Arrigo M, Lopes JP, Lebrun M, Rivas-Lasarte M, Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Latrémouille C, Achouh P, Pirracchio R, Cholley B Intraoperative management of brain-dead organ donors by anesthesiologists during an organ procurement procedure: results from a French survey. Champigneulle B, Neuschwander A, Bronchard R, Favé G, Josserand J, Lebas B, Bastien O, Pirracchio R, SFAR research network Impact of triage-to-admission time on patient outcome in European intensive care units: A prospective, multi-national study. Stohl S, Sprung CL, Lippert A, Pirracchio R, Artigas A, Iapichino G, Harris S, Pezzi A, Schlesinger M Neutropenic Enterocolitis in Critically Ill Patients: Spectrum of the Disease and Risk of Invasive Fungal Disease. Duceau B, Picard M, Pirracchio R, Wanquet A, Pène F, Merceron S, Mokart D, Moreau AS, Lengliné E, Canet E, Lemiale V, Mariotte E, Azoulay E, Zafrani L Prognostic value of the PaO2 /FiO2 ratio determined at the end-surgery stage of a double-lung transplantation. Fessler J, Thes J, Pirracchio R, Godement M, Sage E, Roux A, Parquin F, Cerf C, Fischler M, Le Guen M Should we still prescribe Levosimendan for low cardiac output after cardiac surgery? Perhaps in the good patients! Pirracchio R The Fragility and Reliability of Conclusions of Anesthesia and Critical Care Randomized Trials With Statistically Significant Findings: A Systematic Review. Grolleau F, Collins GS, Smarandache A, Pirracchio R, Gakuba C, Boutron I, Busse JW, Devereaux PJ, Le Manach Y Suicide attempts by jumping and length of stay in general hospital: A retrospective study of 225 patients. Todorov L, Vulser H, Pirracchio R, Thauvin I, Radtchenko A, Vidal J, Guigui P, Limosin F, Lemogne C Heterogeneity in Intensive Care: Low Severity Does Not Mean Low Risk! Pirracchio R, Gropper MA Monitoring haemodynamic response to fluid-challenge in ICU: comparison of pressure recording analytical method and oesophageal Doppler: A prospective observational study. Barthélémy R, Neuschwander A, Dramé F, Redouté M, Ditchi D, Stern J, Mebazaa A, Pirracchio R, Chousterman BG Weaning from veno-arterial extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation: which strategy to use? Ortuno S, Delmas C, Diehl JL, Bailleul C, Lancelot A, Naili M, Cholley B, Pirracchio R, Aissaoui N Inhaled nitric oxide dependency at the end of double-lung transplantation: a boosted propensity score cohort analysis. Fessler J, Godement M, Pirracchio R, Marandon JY, Thes J, Sage E, Roux A, Parquin F, Cerf C, Fischler M, Le Guen M Impact of an Acinetobacter baumannii outbreak on kidney events in a burn unit: A targeted machine learning analysis. Vauchel T, Pirracchio R, Chaussard M, Lafaurie M, Rouveau M, Rousseau C, Benyamina M, Soussi S, Dépret F, Ferry A, Oueslati H, Chaouat M, Mimoun M, Jarlier V, Moreno N, Mebazaa A, Legrand M Correction to: Epinephrine and short-term survival in cardiogenic shock: an individual data meta-analysis of 2583 patients. Léopold V, Gayat E, Pirracchio R, Spinar J, Parenica J, Tarvasmäki T, Lassus J, Harjola VP, Champion S, Zannad F, Valente S, Urban P, Chua HR, Bellomo R, Popovic B, Ouweneel DM, Henriques JPS, Simonis G, Lévy B, Kimmoun A, Gaudard P, Basir MB, Markota A, Adler C, Reuter H, Mebazaa A, Chouihed T Big data and targeted machine learning in action to assist medical decision in the ICU. Pirracchio R, Cohen MJ, Malenica I, Cohen J, Chambaz A, Cannesson M, Lee C, Resche-Rigon M, Hubbard A, ACTERREA Research Group Determining the editorial policy of Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine (ACCPM). Lefrant JY, Lorne E, Asehnoune K, Ausset S, Beaulieu P, Biais M, Brichant JF, Charbit B, Constantin JM, Cuvillon P, Dadure C, Dahmani S, David JS, Fuchs-Buder T, Geeraerts T, Godier A, Hanouz JL, Joannes-Boyau O, Kipnis E, Laudenbach V, Le Guen M, Legrand M, Lescot T, Marret E, Mongardon N, Ouattara A, Pierre S, Roberts J, Schneider A, Tourtier JP, Tran L, Pirracchio R, Capdevila X First description of successful use of zone 1 resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in the prehospital setting. Lamhaut L, Qasim Z, Hutin A, Dagron C, Orsini JP, Haegel A, Perkins Z, Pirracchio R, Carli P Understanding Left Ventricular Assist Devices. Aissaoui N, Jouan J, Gourjault M, Diebold B, Ortuno S, Hamdan A, Latremouille C, Pirracchio R, Morshuis M Concordance of common data elements for assessment of subjective cognitive complaints after mild-traumatic brain injury: a TRACK-TBI Pilot Study. Ngwenya LB, Gardner RC, Yue JK, Burke JF, Ferguson AR, Huang MC, Winkler EA, Pirracchio R, Satris GG, Yuh EL, Mukherjee P, Valadka AB, Okonkwo DO, Manley GT Epinephrine and short-term survival in cardiogenic shock: an individual data meta-analysis of 2583 patients. Léopold V, Gayat E, Pirracchio R, Spinar J, Parenica J, Tarvasmäki T, Lassus J, Harjola VP, Champion S, Zannad F, Valente S, Urban P, Chua HR, Bellomo R, Popovic B, Ouweneel DM, Henriques JPS, Simonis G, Lévy B, Kimmoun A, Gaudard P, Basir MB, Markota A, Adler C, Reuter H, Mebazaa A, Chouihed T Strategic proposal for a national trauma system in France. Gauss T, Balandraud P, Frandon J, Abba J, Ageron FX, Albaladejo P, Arvieux C, Barbois S, Bijok B, Bobbia X, Charbit J, Cook F, David JS, Maurice GS, Duranteau J, Garrigue D, Gay E, Geeraerts T, Ghelfi J, Hamada S, Harrois A, Kobeiter H, Leone M, Levrat A, Mirek S, Nadji A, Paugam-Burtz C, Payen JF, Perbet S, Pirracchio R, Plenier I, Pottecher J, Rigal S, Riou B, Savary D, Secheresse T, Tazarourte K, Thony F, Tonetti J, Tresallet C, Wey PF, Picard J, Bouzat P, Groupe d’intérêt en traumatologie grave (GITE) Development and validation of a pre-hospital "Red Flag" alert for activation of intra-hospital haemorrhage control response in blunt trauma. Hamada SR, Rosa A, Gauss T, Desclefs JP, Raux M, Harrois A, Follin A, Cook F, Boutonnet M, Traumabase® Group, Attias A, Ausset S, Boutonnet M, Dhonneur G, Duranteau J, Langeron O, Paugam-Burtz C, Pirracchio R, de St Maurice G, Vigué B, Rouquette A, Duranteau J Major traumatic complications after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Insights from the Parisian registry. Champigneulle B, Haruel PA, Pirracchio R, Dumas F, Geri G, Arnaout M, Paul M, Pène F, Mira JP, Bougouin W, Cariou A Association between continuous hyperosmolar therapy and survival in patients with traumatic brain injury - a multicentre prospective cohort study and systematic review. Asehnoune K, Lasocki S, Seguin P, Geeraerts T, Perrigault PF, Dahyot-Fizelier C, Paugam Burtz C, Cook F, Demeure Dit Latte D, Cinotti R, Mahe PJ, Fortuit C, Pirracchio R, Feuillet F, Sébille V, Roquilly A, ATLANREA group, COBI group Improved Survival After Implementation of a Large-Scale Regional Dedicated Aortic Network. Duceau B, Alsac JM, Bellenfant F, Mailloux A, Chhor V, Lagrange A, El Batti S, Cholley B, Achouh P, Pirracchio R Veno-arterial-ECMO in the intensive care unit: From technical aspects to clinical practice. Le Gall A, Follin A, Cholley B, Mantz J, Aissaoui N, Pirracchio R Undetectable haptoglobin is associated with major adverse kidney events in critically ill burn patients. Dépret F, Dunyach C, De Tymowski C, Chaussard M, Bataille A, Ferry A, Moreno N, Cupaciu A, Soussi S, Benyamina M, Mebazaa A, Serror K, Chaouat M, Garnier JP, Pirracchio R, Legrand M, PRONOBURN group Effect of Levosimendan on Low Cardiac Output Syndrome in Patients With Low Ejection Fraction Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting With Cardiopulmonary Bypass: The LICORN Randomized Clinical Trial. Cholley B, Caruba T, Grosjean S, Amour J, Ouattara A, Villacorta J, Miguet B, Guinet P, Lévy F, Squara P, Aït Hamou N, Carillion A, Boyer J, Boughenou MF, Rosier S, Robin E, Radutoiu M, Durand M, Guidon C, Desebbe O, Charles-Nelson A, Menasché P, Rozec B, Girard C, Fellahi JL, Pirracchio R, Chatellier G, - Emergency department blood alcohol level associates with injury factors and six-month outcome after uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury. Yue JK, Ngwenya LB, Upadhyayula PS, Deng H, Winkler EA, Burke JF, Lee YM, Robinson CK, Ferguson AR, Lingsma HF, Cnossen MC, Pirracchio R, Korley FK, Vassar MJ, Yuh EL, Mukherjee P, Gordon WA, Valadka AB, Okonkwo DO, Manley GT, TRACK-TBI Investigators Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors for Treating Neurocognitive and Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury: An Evaluation of Current Evidence. Yue JK, Burke JF, Upadhyayula PS, Winkler EA, Deng H, Robinson CK, Pirracchio R, Suen CG, Sharma S, Ferguson AR, Ngwenya LB, Stein MB, Manley GT, Tarapore PE Risk factors of percutaneous cannulation failure by intensivists for veno-arterial extracorporeal life support for refractory cardiac arrest. Chhor V, Follin A, Joachim J, Champigneulle B, Chatelon J, Favé G, Neuschwander A, Mantz J, Pirracchio R The Balance Super Learner: A robust adaptation of the Super Learner to improve estimation of the average treatment effect in the treated based on propensity score matching. Pirracchio R, Carone M A decade of hospital-based violence intervention: Benefits and shortcomings. Juillard C, Cooperman L, Allen I, Pirracchio R, Henderson T, Marquez R, Orellana J, Texada M, Dicker RA Feasibility and Predictive Value of Ultrasound Assessment of the Gastric Residual Volume in Surgical Critically Ill Patients: A Pilot Study. Chatelon J, Bourillon C, Darmon H, Carbonne H, Chhor V, Follin A, Cholley B, Guinvarc'h A, Mantz J, Pirracchio R Circadian variability of the initial Glasgow Coma Scale score in traumatic brain injury patients. Yue JK, Robinson CK, Winkler EA, Upadhyayula PS, Burke JF, Pirracchio R, Suen CG, Deng H, Ngwenya LB, Dhall SS, Manley GT, Tarapore PE Effect of cricoid pressure on laryngeal view during prehospital tracheal intubation: a propensity-based analysis. Caruana E, Chevret S, Pirracchio R Comparison of distribution of lung aeration measured with EIT and CT in spontaneously breathing, awake patients1. Radke OC, Schneider T, Braune A, Pirracchio R, Fischer F, Koch T Impact of Resident Rotations on Critically Ill Patient Outcomes: Results of a French Multicenter Observational Study. Chousterman BG, Pirracchio R, Guidet B, Aegerter P, Mentec H, CUB-REA network Collaborative targeted maximum likelihood estimation for variable importance measure: Illustration for functional outcome prediction in mild traumatic brain injuries. Pirracchio R, Yue JK, Manley GT, van der Laan MJ, Hubbard AE, TRACK-TBI Investigators including Wayne A Gordon, Hester F Lingsma, Andrew IR Maas, Pratik Mukherjee Screening for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Civilian Emergency Department Population with Traumatic Brain Injury. Haarbauer-Krupa J, Taylor CA, Yue JK, Winkler EA, Pirracchio R, Cooper SR, Burke JF, Stein MB, Manley GT Tree-based algorithm for prehospital triage of polytrauma patients. Follin A, Jacqmin S, Chhor V, Bellenfant F, Robin S, Guinvarc'h A, Thomas F, Loeb T, Mantz J, Pirracchio R Will Xenon Be a Valuable Addition in Perioperative and Critical Care Settings? Maze M, Pirracchio R What's new in the quantification of causal effects from longitudinal cohort studies: a brief introduction to marginal structural models for intensivists. Bailly S, Pirracchio R, Timsit JF A new weighted balance measure helped to select the variables to be included in a propensity score model. Caruana E, Chevret S, Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R Tracheal intubation related complications in the prehospital setting. Caruana E, Duchateau FX, Cornaglia C, Devaud ML, Pirracchio R Improving ultrasonic measurement of diaphragmatic excursion after cardiac surgery using the anatomical M-mode: a randomized crossover study. Pasero D, Koeltz A, Placido R, Fontes Lima M, Haun O, Rienzo M, Marrache D, Pirracchio R, Safran D, Cholley B Improving propensity score estimators' robustness to model misspecification using super learner. Pirracchio R, Petersen ML, van der Laan M Determinants of Transcutaneous Ear Lobe CO2 Tension (PtCO2) at 37°C During On-Pump Cardiac Surgery. Neuschwander A, Couffin S, Huynh TM, Cholley B, de Villechenon GP, Achouh P, Fabiani JN, Safran D, Pirracchio R Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) for refractory cardiac arrest after drowning: an 11-year experience. Champigneulle B, Bellenfant-Zegdi F, Follin A, Lebard C, Guinvarch A, Thomas F, Pirracchio R, Journois D Mortality prediction in intensive care units with the Super ICU Learner Algorithm (SICULA): a population-based study. Pirracchio R, Petersen ML, Carone M, Rigon MR, Chevret S, van der Laan MJ Hypothermia for bacterial meningitis. Pirracchio R, Journois D Recalibrating our prediction models in the ICU: time to move from the abacus to the computer. Pirracchio R, Ranzani OT Propensity score estimators for the average treatment effect and the average treatment effect on the treated may yield very different estimates. Pirracchio R, Carone M, Rigon MR, Caruana E, Mebazaa A, Chevret S Incidence, risk factors and prediction of post-operative acute kidney injury following cardiac surgery for active infective endocarditis: an observational study. Legrand M, Pirracchio R, Rosa A, Petersen ML, Van der Laan M, Fabiani JN, Fernandez-gerlinger MP, Podglajen I, Safran D, Cholley B, Mainardi JL Reply to short-term mortality and CPAP in acute cardiac pulmonary edema: how and what can we be expecting? Pirracchio R, Mebazaa A Do simple screening statistical tools help to detect reporting bias? Pirracchio R, Resche-Rigon M, Chevret S, Journois D The effectiveness of inodilators in reducing short term mortality among patient with severe cardiogenic shock: a propensity-based analysis. Pirracchio R, Parenica J, Resche Rigon M, Chevret S, Spinar J, Jarkovsky J, Zannad F, Alla F, Mebazaa A, GREAT network [Usefulness of Bispectral Index (BIS) monitoring for early detection of cerebral hypoperfusions]. Nebout S, Wagner M, Saint-Maurice JP, Houdart E, Madadaki C, Borsali A, Pirracchio R Simple screening statistical tools to detect reporting bias: when should we ask for raw data? Pirracchio R, Resche-Rigon M, Chevret S, Journois D Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) may not reduce short-term mortality in cardiogenic pulmonary edema: a propensity-based analysis. Pirracchio R, Resche Rigon M, Mebazaa A, Zannad F, Alla F, Chevret S Estimating the treatment effect from non-randomized studies: The example of reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation in hematological diseases. Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R, Robin M, De Latour RP, Sibon D, Ades L, Ribaud P, Fermand JP, Thieblemont C, Socié G, Chevret S Evaluation of the propensity score methods for estimating marginal odds ratios in case of small sample size. Pirracchio R, Resche-Rigon M, Chevret S The Eldicus prospective, observational study of triage decision making in European intensive care units. Part II: intensive care benefit for the elderly. Sprung CL, Artigas A, Kesecioglu J, Pezzi A, Wiis J, Pirracchio R, Baras M, Edbrooke DL, Pesenti A, Bakker J, Hargreaves C, Gurman G, Cohen SL, Lippert A, Payen D, Corbella D, Iapichino G The Eldicus prospective, observational study of triage decision making in European intensive care units: part I--European Intensive Care Admission Triage Scores. Sprung CL, Baras M, Iapichino G, Kesecioglu J, Lippert A, Hargreaves C, Pezzi A, Pirracchio R, Edbrooke DL, Pesenti A, Bakker J, Gurman G, Cohen SL, Wiis J, Payen D, Artigas A [Out-of-hospital assessment of elderly patients' preference for ICU care]. Pirracchio R, Gallula S, Broche C, Ogereau C, Payen D [From iatrogenesis to medical errors: review of the literature and analytical approach]. Chousterman B, Pirracchio R Benefits of ICU admission in critically ill patients: whether instrumental variable methods or propensity scores should be used. Pirracchio R, Sprung C, Payen D, Chevret S Should We Monitor ScVO(2) in Critically Ill Patients? Nebout S, Pirracchio R Utility of time-dependent inverse-probability-of-treatment weights to analyze observational cohorts in the intensive care unit. Pirracchio R, Sprung CL, Payen D, Chevret S Arterial catheter-related bloodstream infections: results of an 8-year survey in a surgical intensive care unit. Pirracchio R, Legrand M, Rigon MR, Mateo J, Lukaszewicz AC, Mebazaa A, Raskine L, Le Pors MJ, Payen D Implications of ICU triage decisions on patient mortality: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Edbrooke DL, Minelli C, Mills GH, Iapichino G, Pezzi A, Corbella D, Jacobs P, Lippert A, Wiis J, Pesenti A, Patroniti N, Pirracchio R, Payen D, Gurman G, Bakker J, Kesecioglu J, Hargreaves C, Cohen SL, Baras M, Artigas A, Sprung CL Neurosurgery and elderly: analysis through the years. Chibbaro S, Di Rocco F, Makiese O, Mirone G, Marsella M, Lukaszewicz AC, Vicaut E, Turner B, Hamdi S, Spiriev T, Di Emidio P, Pirracchio R, Payen D, George B, Bresson D One-year outcome after neurosurgery for intracranial tumor in elderly patients. Pirracchio R, Resche-Rigon M, Bresson D, Basta B, Welschbillig S, Heyer L, Kechiche H, Madadaki C, Chollet A, Lukaszewicz AC, Mebazaa A, George B, Payen D Propensity scores in intensive care and anaesthesiology literature: a systematic review. Gayat E, Pirracchio R, Resche-Rigon M, Mebazaa A, Mary JY, Porcher R Fluid resuscitation does not improve renal oxygenation during hemorrhagic shock in rats. Legrand M, Mik EG, Balestra GM, Lutter R, Pirracchio R, Payen D, Ince C Cardiac troponin and skeletal muscle oxygenation in severe post-partum haemorrhage. Heyer L, Mebazaa A, Gayat E, Resche-Rigon M, Rabuel C, Rezlan E, Lukascewicz AC, Madadaki C, Pirracchio R, Schurando P, Morel O, Fargeaudou Y, Payen D Monocytic HLA-DR expression in intensive care patients: interest for prognosis and secondary infection prediction. Lukaszewicz AC, Grienay M, Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R, Faivre V, Boval B, Payen D Use of B-type natriuretic peptide in critically ill patients. Pirracchio R, Salem R, Mebazaa A Can bacteriological upper airway samples obtained at intensive care unit admission guide empiric antibiotherapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia? Pirracchio R, Mateo J, Raskine L, Rigon MR, Lukaszewicz AC, Mebazaa A, Hammitouche Y, Sanson-Le Pors MJ, Payen D Tako Tsubo cardiomyopathy in a patient with multiple trauma. Vergez M, Pirracchio R, Mateo J, Payen D, Cholley B The use of natriuretic peptides in the intensive care unit. Pirracchio R, Logeart D, Noveanu M, Mebazaa A, Mueller C Impaired plasma B-type natriuretic peptide clearance in human septic shock. Pirracchio R, Deye N, Lukaszewicz AC, Mebazaa A, Cholley B, Matéo J, Mégarbane B, Launay JM, Peynet J, Baud F, Payen D A randomized study of out-of-hospital continuous positive airway pressure for acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: physiological and clinical effects. Plaisance P, Pirracchio R, Berton C, Vicaut E, Payen D The impedance threshold valve for adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a review of the literature. Pirracchio R, Payen D, Plaisance P Diastolic heart failure in anaesthesia and critical care. Pirracchio R, Cholley B, De Hert S, Solal AC, Mebazaa A Feasibility of closed-loop titration of propofol guided by the Bispectral Index for general anaesthesia induction: a prospective randomized study. Liu N, Chazot T, Trillat B, Pirracchio R, Law-Koune JD, Barvais L, Fischler M