Overview Angiotensin II in Liver Transplantation (AngLT-1): a randomized clinical trial Vasoplegia is a life-threatening syndrome that can arise during liver transplantation. It consists of low blood pressure due to low systemic vascular resistance that is highly resistant to standard drugs such as catecholamines. The AngLT-1 trial (NCT04901169) aims to test the recently FDA-approved drug, angiotensin II, for safety and efficacy as a second-line vasopressor agent during liver transplantation. AngLT-1 is a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Read the full protocol here: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078713 Affiliated Lab Transplant Anesthesia Research Group Research Themes Organ Injury in Surgical and Critically Ill Patients Principal investigator UCSF Michael Bokoch, MD, PhD Assoc Professor of Anesthesia Mentors UCSF Matthieu Legrand, MD, PhD Professor Collaborators UCSF Dieter Adelmann, MD, PhD Associate Clinical Professor Rishi Kothari, MD Personal Services Contractor Support this research Are you excited by the innovative work we’re doing on this project? Learn how your financial support can make the difference in our work. Support