Role Faculty Location UCSF at Mission Bay UCSF at Mount Zion UCSF at Parnassus Category Clinical Research Specialties Liver Transplant Neuroanesthesia Education 2019 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California Publications Safety and Feasibility of Early Extubation in Liver Transplantation: Experience in 1555 Patients. Lacom C, Kothari RP, Mendez NV, Galli A, Roll GR, Bokoch MP, Legrand M, Adelmann D TEG® 6s coagulation testing with a novel heparin neutralization cartridge: Technical validation and determination of normal reference ranges. Hartmann J, Dias J, Shilo A, Bynagari Y, Garrett B, Jeske W, Manukyan Z, Mkhitaryan K, Adelmann D, Subramaniam K, Sakai T The perioperative care in liver transplantation multicenter database: Building the foundation for research collaboration in liver transplantation. Adelmann D, Reddy M, Zhou GP, Fukazawa K, Wang R, Kassel C, Nguyen-Buckley C, Bastidas J, De Marchi L, Wilson EA, Nazemian R, Fernandez-Bustamante A, Anderson A, Chadha RM, Huang J, Moguilevitch M, Townsend E, Rosenfeld DM, Kothari RP Intraoperative blood pressure management during kidney transplantation: grafts under pressure. Adelmann D, Legrand M Serum from patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver transplantation induces permeability in human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells ex vivo. Bokoch MP, Xu F, Govindaraju K, Lloyd E, Tsutsui K, Kothari RP, Adelmann D, Joffre J, Hellman J Angiotensin II in liver transplantation (AngLT-1): protocol of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Bokoch MP, Tran AT, Brinson EL, Marcus SG, Reddy M, Sun E, Roll GR, Pardo M, Fields S, Adelmann D, Kothari RP, Legrand M Lactate concentration at the end of liver transplant: Early predictor of graft function or just one piece of the puzzle? Galli AM, Kothari R, Adelmann D, Holm Z, Bokoch MP, De Gasperi A, Niemann CU, Kolodzie K Real-world implementation of normothermic machine perfusion: A detailed analysis of intraoperative and early postoperative impact. Dixon W, Sheetz K, Adelmann D, Bokoch M, Reddy M, Kothari R, Roberts JP, Syed S, Feng S, Roll G Addressing the Burden and Management Strategies for Disparities and Inequities Among Liver Transplant Professionals: The ILTS Experience. Andacoglu O, Izzy M, Adelmann D, Aguilera V, Becchetti C, Berenguer M, Berlakovich GA, Ghosh S, Giorgakis E, Kemmer N, Lunsford KE, Montasser IF, Montenovo MI, Mrzljak A, Pai SL, Scalera I, Selzner N Number of Local Regional Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Peri-Operative Outcomes after Liver Transplantation. Brown AE, Shui AM, Adelmann D, Mehta N, Roll GR, Hirose R, Syed SM Intraoperative Use of Albumin in Major Noncardiac Surgery: Incidence, Variability, and Association With Outcomes. Lazzareschi DV, Fong N, Mavrothalassitis O, Whitlock EL, Chen CL, Chiu C, Adelmann D, Bokoch MP, Chen LL, Liu KD, Pirracchio R, Mathis MR, Legrand M, MPOG Collaborators Perioperative mortality in liver transplantation before and after the implementation of the organ allocation policy Share 35. Holm ZD, Kolodzie K, Galli AM, Meyhoff CS, Niemann CU, Adelmann D P2.02: Save the Environment: Liver Transplantation Restores A Circulating Environment That Supports Healthy Platelet Aggregation Within Two Hours of Reperfusion. Hillary Braun, Alex T Fields, Kim Rodriguez, Zachary A Matthay, Rishi Kothari, Claus U Niemann, Dieter Adelmann, Nancy L Ascher, John P Roberts, Michael P Bokoch, Lucy Z Kornblith Women Leadership in Liver Transplantation-Results of an International Survey. de Rosner-van Rosmalen M, Adelmann D, Berlakovich GA, Francoz C, Selzner N, Berenguer M, Watt KD, Man NK, Burra P, Pai SL Gender and Racial Disparity Among Liver Transplantation Professionals: Report of a Global Survey. Aguilera V, Andacoglu O, Francoz C, Berlakovich G, Pai SL, Adelmann D, Ghosh S, Lunsford KE, Montenovo M, Mrzljak A, Scalera I, Xie Q, Becchetti C, Berenguer M, Selzner N Advantages and Limitations of Clinical Scores for Donation After Circulatory Death Liver Transplantation. Meier RPH, Kelly Y, Yamaguchi S, Braun HJ, Lunow-Luke T, Adelmann D, Niemann C, Maluf DG, Dietch ZC, Stock PG, Kang SM, Feng S, Posselt AM, Gardner JM, Syed SM, Hirose R, Freise CE, Ascher NL, Roberts JP, Roll GR Expedited evaluation for liver transplantation: A critical look at processes and outcomes. Braun HJ, Mello A, Kothari R, Ku E, Yilma M, Tavakol M, Zhang L, Niemann CU, Ascher NL, Adelmann D Organ donor management goals and delayed graft function in adult kidney transplant recipients. Kothari R, Tolles J, Adelmann D, Lewis RJ, Malinoski DJ, Niemann CU Monitoring of Enoxaparin during Hemodialysis Covered by Regional Citrate Anticoagulation in Acute Kidney Injury: A Prospective Cohort Study. Wiegele M, Adelmann D, Dibiasi C, Pausch A, Baierl A, Schaden E Machine Learning Prediction of Liver Allograft Utilization From Deceased Organ Donors Using the National Donor Management Goals Registry. Bishara AM, Lituiev DS, Adelmann D, Kothari RP, Malinoski DJ, Nudel JD, Sally MB, Hirose R, Hadley DD, Niemann CU "The use of bilateral continuous erector spinae plane blocks for postoperative analgesia after right-sided living donor hepatectomy: A feasibility study". Adelmann D, Khorashadi M, Zhou G, Kinjo S, Braun HJ, Ascher NL, Braehler MR COVID-19 and Abdominal Transplant: A Stepwise Approach to Practice During Pandemic Conditions. Syed SM, Gardner J, Roll G, Webber A, Mehta N, Shoji J, Adelmann D, Niemann C, Braun HJ, Mello A, Yao F, Posselt A, Kang SM, Hirose R, Roberts J, Feng S, Ascher N, Stock P, Freise C The Association Between Vena Cava Implantation Technique and Acute Kidney Injury After Liver Transplantation. Hannon V, Kothari RP, Zhang L, Bokoch MP, Hill R, Roll GR, Mello A, Feiner JR, Liu KD, Niemann CU, Adelmann D Longer Distance From Dialysis Facility to Transplant Center Is Associated With Lower Access to Kidney Transplantation. Whelan AM, Johansen KL, McCulloch CE, Adelmann D, Niemann CU, Roll GR, Siyahian S, Grimes B, Ku E Letters to the Editor. Miller J, Kim S, Adelmann D, Hill B, Schlichting N, Smith N, DeMaria S, Zerillo J Profound Intraoperative Hypotension Associated With Transfusion via the Belmont Fluid Management System. Miller J, Kim S, Adelmann D, Hill B, Schlichting N, Smith N, DeMaria S, Zerillo J Risk factors for early bleeding complications after lung transplantation - a retrospective cohort study. Adelmann D, Koch S, Menger J, Opfermann P, Jaksch P, Hoetzenecker K, Kurz M, Mouhieddine M, Steinlechner B The Impact of Deceased Donor Liver Extraction Time on Early Allograft Function in Adult Liver Transplant Recipients. Adelmann D, Roll GR, Kothari R, Syed S, Burdine LJ, Tavakol M, Niemann CU Thrombin generation in patients with severe thermal injury. Wiegele M, Schaden E, Koch S, Bauer D, Krall C, Adelmann D In Response. Joanna Miller, Sang Kim, Dieter Adelmann, Bryan Hill, Nicolette Schlichting, Natalie Smith, Samuel DeMaria, Jeron Zerillo P02-4 Postoperative hepatic dysfunction in lung transplant recipients. Johannes Menger, S. Koch, D. Adelmann, M. Dworschak Expedited Evaluation for Liver Transplantation. Hillary Braun, Dieter Adelmann, Anna Mello, Mehdi Tavakol, Claus U Niemann, Nancy L Ascher Intraoperative Management of Liver Transplant Patients Without the Routine Use of Renal Replacement Therapy. Adelmann D, Olmos A, Liu LL, Feiner JR, Roll GR, Burdine L, Tavakol M, Syed S, Orandi BJ, Niemann CU Central venous pressure monitoring in living donor kidney recipients does not affect immediate graft function: A propensity score analysis. Adelmann D, Bicknell L, Niemann CU, Feiner J, Roll GR, Burdine L, Whitlock EL Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia: Liver Transplant Anesthesia Fellowship-White Paper Advocating Measurable Proficiency in Transplant Specialties Training. Chadha RM, Crouch C, Zerillo J, Pretto EA, Planinsic R, Kim S, Nicolau-Raducu R, Adelmann D, Elia E, Wray CL, Srinivas C, Mandell MS Anesthesia for Liver Transplantation. Adelmann D, Kronish K, Ramsay MA Fibrinogen But Not Factor XIII Deficiency Is Associated With Bleeding After Craniotomy. D. Adelmann, D. A. Klaus, U. M. Illievich, C. G. Krenn, C. Krall, S. Kozek-Langenecker, E. Schaden Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in a non-heparin-naive patient: a case report. Wiegele M, Adelmann D, Gratz J, Schaden E Measuring the activity of apixaban and rivaroxaban with rotational thrombelastometry. Adelmann D, Wiegele M, Wohlgemuth RK, Koch S, Frantal S, Quehenberger P, Scharbert G, Kozek-Langenecker S, Schaden E Fibrinogen but not factor XIII deficiency is associated with bleeding after craniotomy. Adelmann D, Klaus DA, Illievich UM, Krenn CG, Krall C, Kozek-Langenecker S, Schaden E Measuring the activity of the oral factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban with rotational thrombelastometry (ROTEM®). D. Adelmann, R. K. Wohlgemuth, S. Frantal, G. Scharbert, S. KozekLangenecker, E. Schaden A46 Perioperative Factor XIII Levels in Patients undergoing Craniotomy. D. Adelmann, D. Klaus, E. Schaden, U. Illievich Caudal anaesthesia under sedation: a prospective analysis of 512 infants and children. Brenner L, Kettner SC, Marhofer P, Latzke D, Willschke H, Kimberger O, Adelmann D, Machata AM