Our department members are committed to excellence in equitable patient-centered care that is guided by innovative research and education. We are pleased to share some of their recent work.
Matt Aldrich, MD. Senior Physician Executive for UCSF Health Capacity and Throughput
Pedram Aleshi, MD. Vice Chair of Academic Affairs in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
Alexander Butwick, MBBS, Appointed Chief of OB Anesthesia
Marla Ferschl, MD. Executive Vice Chair of Pediatric Anesthesia and Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia at Benioff Children’s Hospital, San Francisco
Karen Fleming, MD. Undergraduate Research Internship (URI) Summer Program Co-Associate Director
Lindsey Huddleston, MD. Interim Division Chief, Critical Care Medicine, UCSF Health
Ludwig Lin, MD. Programming Co-Chair, CSA Annual Meeting. Section Editor for Science and Technology, CSA Vital Times Annual Report.
Jina Sinskey, MD. Social Media Ambassador for the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (AFSF). August 2024.
Jenson Wong, MD. Chair of the University Committee on Academic Computing and Communications (UCACC), 2024-2025
Roland Bainton, MD, PhD et al. UCSF Center for Research in Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapies (CTMCT) Pilot Award. The Platelet Function, Transcriptome, and Proteome in Platelet-Rich Plasma for Intra-Articular Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Pilot Characterization of Platelet Biology for Advancing Regenerative Transfusion Medicine
Odmara Barreto Chang, MD, PhD, Laura Soriano, MD. Mentorship Study. Department DEI Funded Project
Odmara Barreto Chang, MD, PhD. Weill Clinician-Scientist Award, 2024. Understanding and developing tools for the prevention of perioperative neurocognitive disorders.
Principal Investigator: Carmen Cobb, MD, working with Rebecca Silvers, PNP, MSN; Stephanie Ross, MD; Omid Shah, MD; and Christy Boscardin, PhD. UCSF Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Innovations Funding for Education 2024. Who Decides?: Building Inclusive Competencies in Graduate Medical Global Health Training
Carolyn Calfee, MD, Michael Matthay, MD. UCSF Center for Research in Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapies (CTMCT) Pilot Award. To Test the Efficacy of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Derived MSCs in a Mouse Model of Hyper- and Hypo-Inflammatory ARDS.
Arthur Chyan, DO, Justin Libaw, MD, MPH, Rachel Schwartz, PhD. Improving the Care of LGBTQ+ Patients in the Perioperative Period. Department DEI Funded Project
Julien Colbert, MD. Creating Fair and Debiased Mortality Risk Prediction Algorithms. Department DEI Funded Project
Odi Ehie, MD, FASA. FAER Award: DEI Curriculum for Perioperative Trainees
Irum Khan, MD. Mount Zion Health Fund. Describing the Practice of Supraglottic Airway Device Use and Selection in the United States: An MPOG Study.
Aashish Manglik, MD, PhD: Byers Award for Biomedical Science
Principal Investigators: Seema Gandhi, MD; Garrett Roll, MD; and Hemra Cil, MD, working with Kaiyi Wang, MS; Jennifer Sasaki Russell, PhD; and Christy Boscardin, PhD. UCSF Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Innovations Funding for Education 2024. Development of a Digital Educational Toolkit on Healthcare Sustainability.
Jennifer Luong, MD. Society for Education in Anesthesia – Health Volunteers Overseas Traveling Fellowship Award
Principal Investigators: Lia Jacobson, MD and Rachel Schwartz, PhD, working with Sriranjani Padmanabhan, MD; Michael Lipnick, MD; Doruk Ozgediz, MD; Patti Orozco, MPA; and Zayna Tommalieh, MS. UCSF Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Innovations Funding for Education 2024. Customized Research Education for Surgeons and Anesthesiologists Advancing Perioperative Health Equity in Resource-Limited Settings.
Principal Investigator: Rachel Schwartz, PhD, working with Bryn Boslett, MD; Edgar Pierluissi, MD; Kristin Casey Callaghan, MA; Lei Choi, MD; Anna Chang, MD; and Bridget O'Brien, PhD, MS. UCSF Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators Innovations Funding for Education 2024. Exploring the Impact and Value of Early Medical Students’ Improvement Projects: An Interview Study of Health System Leaders.
Rachel Schwartz, PhD, Jina Sinskey, MD. NIH R25 Award. Training to Enhance Researcher Resilience and Adaptability (TERRA)
Po Yi Paul Su, MD. Mentors: Zhonghui Guan, MD; Judith Hellman, MD. Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) Mentored Research Training Grant. Activating Transcription Factor 3: The Link Between Nerve Regeneration and Persistence of Post-Surgical Pain?
Shantel Weinsheimer, PhD. American Heart Association Career Development Award, "Epigenetic Signatures and Association with Hemorrhage and High-Risk Features in Brain Arteriovenous Malformation"
Global Health
Lundy Campbell, MD. Deployment from March to June 2024 with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia
CHESA Fellowship Retreat. Kampala, Uganda
Adrian Gelb, MB ChB. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 2024 Nicholas M. Greene, MD, Award for Outstanding Humanitarian Contributions
Elena Haight, MD. UCSF Muriel Steele Society Honor Roll, 2024
Vanessa Henke, MD. CSA Clinical Innovator of the Year Award 2024
Judith Hellman, MD. Mentor of the Year Award. UCSF Resident Research Training Program. Nominated by Mentee, Dr. Alex Perez. August 2024.
Jacqueline Leung, MD, MPH. Edward A. Dickson Emeritus Professorship Award
Jennifer Luong, MD. SEA Travel Fellowship Award
Mervyn Maze, MB ChB. International Society of Anaesthetic Pharmacology (ISAP) 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award
Mervyn Maze, MB ChB. Endowed Allen I. Hyman History of Anesthesia Lecture at Columbia University. September, 2024
Prasad Shirvalkar, MD, PhD. NIH HEAL Excellence in Research Award.
Irum Khan, MD, PhD, Stephanie Lim, MD, and Ann Shah, MD, graduated from the UCSF Coro Faculty Leadership Collaborative program.
In the News
Many older adults miss out on delirium prevention measures before surgery: study. McKnights Long-Term Care News. February 27, 2024. Odmara Barreto Chang, MD, PhD
How Going Under is Getting Greener. UCSF News. April 22, 2024. Seema Gandhi, MD.
Symposium Highlights Potential Complications of Regional Anesthesia. Experts Examine Safety Checklists, Continuous Catheters, Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity and Peripheral Nerve Blocks. Anesthesiology News. January 11, 2024. Sakura Kinjo, MD.
Q&A: Communication Tools to Improve Patient-Physician Relationships. Physician's Weekly. July 23, 2024. Rachel Schwartz, PhD.
Meetings and Presentations
Katherine Bartz, Peter Yeh, Pedram Aleshi. Poster: Severe Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis with Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension Requiring Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty in Pregnancy. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Katherine Bartz, Maytinee Lilaonitkul. Poster: Interprofessional Simulation-Based Team Training Using Relational Coordination Theory on the L&D Unit – A Pilot Study. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Carolyn Calfee, MD. ARDS: Room for Precision Treatment? Speaker, World Sepsis Congress
Catherine Chen, MD, MPH. Moderator, Fireside Chat with the Director of NIGMS John Lorsch, PhD. FAER Mentored Research Training Grant Meeting 2024
Ani Chilingirian, Katherine Bartz, Arthur Chyan. Poster: Anesthesia management of severe neutropenia in pregnancy. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Alexander Clarke, Kaiyi Wang, Charlotte Young, Michael Gropper, Michael Lipnick, Patience Atumanya, Adrian Gelb, Seema Gandhi. A Survey of Global Anaesthesia Breathing Circuit Reuse: An Opportunity for Reducing Climate Impact. Presented by Seema Gandhi, MD, at the WFSA World Congress 2024
Julia Collins, Abigail Howard, Dieter Adelmann, Michael Bokoch, Pedram Aleshi. Surgeon-performed vs anesthesiologist-performed transversus abdominus plane blocks and post-operative opioid use after laparoscopic donor nephrectomy. ASRA Meeting Poster
Odi Ehie, MD, FASA. Co-Moderator. Collaborative Grand Rounds on Disability, featuring guest speaker Dr. Dr. Oluwaferanmi O. Okanlami, director director, Student Accessibility & Accommodation Services at the University of Michigan. July 31, 2024.
Seif B. Elmankabadi, Yu Celine Chou, Lily Ortiz, Ella Behnke, Rene Vargas Zamora, Christine E. Kuo, Carolyn M. Hendrickson, Sky Vanderburg, Gregory Leeb, Isabella Auchus, Tyler Law, Philip Bickler, Ronald Bisegerwa, John Feiner, Shamsudini Hashi, Fekir Negussie, Olubunmi Okunlola, Michael Bernstein, Michael Lipnick. Technology, Pharmacology & AI E-Poster Presentations: Equipment. Comparison of Pulse Oximeter Performance with a Functional Tester and Healthy Human Hypoxemia Study. WFSA World Congress.
Seema Gandhi, MD. Panelist. ASA 2024 Invitational on Environmental Sustainability
Christine Ha, Katherine Bartz, Peter Yeh, Stephanie Lim. Poster: Anesthetic Implications of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasias in Pregnancy. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Vanessa Henke. Representative, California Society of Anesthesiologists (CSA) Delegation at the annual American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) D.C. Legislative Conference
Abigail Wong-Rolle, Pamela Huang, Jo Anne Gras, Christine Blauvelt, Gabriel Salazar, Won Lee. Poster: When does labor pain become front of mind: timeline of antenatal care concerns from patients’ perspectives. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Raina Khan, Ariadne Zuraek, Kristie J. Sun, Jacqueline Leung. The NORA Safety Project: A Preliminary Review of Near Miss Events and Their Incidence. IARS-SOCCA Meeting, May 2024.
Irfan Kathiriya. Main Session Moderator for Best Research. Poster Rounds Moderator. Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society Meeting.
Irfan Kathiriya. Podium Speaker, Weinstein Cardiovascular Development and Regeneration Conference. A disrupted compartment boundary underlies abnormal cardiac patterning and congenital heart defects.
Tyler Law. Speaker, World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) and European Patient Safety Foundation (EUPSF) Webinar. Fighting Fatigue Together: Prioritizing Workforce Well-Being for Enhanced Patient Safety. June 2024
Chanhung Lee. Speaker. WFSA World Congress. Neuroscience: International Accreditation of Neuroanesthesia Fellowships: Trials, Tribulations, Triumphs.
Erica Chung, Won Lee. Poster: Association of Race & Ethnicity in Post-Cesarean Pain Management Practice. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Won Lee, Sherry Liou, Ronald George, Alicia Fernandez. Poster: Facilitators and Barriers of Providing Obstetric Anesthesia Informed Consent for Patients with Limited English Proficiency. Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Meeting.
Justin Libaw, MD, Jina Sinskey, MD, et al. Immersive Technologies in Perioperative Anxiety and Chronic Pain Management. SPA-AAP Annual Meeting.
Maytinee Lilaonitkul, MBBS. Education, Simulation & Development: Findings from Utstein Meeting in Simulation (Available on-demand). Findings from Utstein Meeting in Simulation - Adapting Recommendations to Local Culture and Context. WFSA World Congress
Errol Lobo, MD, PhD. Panelist, Chancellors Leadership Forum on Diversity.
Aashish Manglik, MD, PhD. Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science. Signal Reception: Cracking Codes in Cellular Communication
Michael Matthay, MD. New Global Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Speaker, World Sepsis Congress
Paul Pantapalangkoor, MD. Poster. Concomitant Ventricular Septal Defect And Ventricular Aneurysm Post-Myocardial Infarction. SCA Annual Meeting.
Leah Pimentel, MBA. Speaker, Pistahan's Innovation Pavilion. The Evolution of DEI in the Workplace. August 10, 2024. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.
PARC Neuromodulation Symposium.
Jannot Ross. Panelist, ZSFG Spring 2024 Story Core.
Bel Russell, MD, PhD. Endowment Council. SCA Annual Meeting.
Jina Sinskey, MD, et al. First Steps in Transforming Culture in Well-being: Selecting Evidence-based Interventions to Promote an Environment of Well-Being. SPA-AAP Annual Meeting.
Jina Sinskey, MD, et al. Leveraging Social Media To Better Your Professional Career. SPA-AAP Annual Meeting.
Jina Sinskey, MD, et al. Wellness as Pathway to Leadership/Promotion. SPA-AAP Annual Meeting.
Ranjani Venkataramani, MD, FASE. Moderator, Poster Session. SCA 2024 Annual Meeting.
Elizabeth Whitlock, MD, MS. UCSF C-SHORE Presentation. “Oh the failures you’ll fail!” Some stories behind a success.
Pipeline and Mentorship
Odi Ehie, MD, Karen Fleming, MD. Panelists, American Medical Student Association (AMSA) at UC Berkeley. Pathways in Medicine.
Odi Ehie, MD, Michael Lipnick, MD, Fekir Negussi, MPH. Mentoring Two CHESA Interns in Partnership with First Gen Interns
Odi Ehie, MD, Nyemachi Chikere, MD. Panelists, Career Pathways in STEM. Ujima Summer Camp for Junior and Highschool Students.
Students Capturing the OR Experience (SCORE). April 19.
Ludwig Lin, MD. Host, CSA Vital Times Podcast. Celebrating Black History Month with Dr. Ashley Oliver – Examining the Beginnings of an Early Academic Career. Episode 22. February 20, 2024.
Ludwig Lin, MD, Host. California Society of Anesthesiologists Vital Times Podcast. Arthur Chyan, DO, Guest. Pride Month Bonus Episode. Season 1, Episode 27.
Cindy Chai, MD. Graduate of the UCSF School of Medicine Teaching Scholars Program, 2024
Denise Chang, MD, Dylan Masters, MD, Albert Yen, MD. UCSF School of Medicine Teaching Scholars Program, 2024 to 2025
Odi Ehie, MD. Microaggressions Basics. UCSF School of Medicine Medical Education CFE3 Video Series. https://meded.ucsf.edu/cfe3-microaggressions-basics
Visiting Professors
Odi Ehie, MD, FASA. Visiting Professor, Cleveland Clinic. The Importance of Allyship - Strategies to Foster Inclusivity.
Irfan Kathiriya, MD, PhD. Visiting Professor, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Modeling Heart Development and Disease