Biography Medical School: UCSF Hometown: Point Richmond, CA Hobbies & Interests: Cooking, Baking, Backpacking, Skiing, Nature Photography Favorite part about UCSF: The amazing community of residents, fellows, and attendings Role CA-4 Resident Category Clinical Education 06/2025 - Critical Care Medicine Fellowship, UCSF06/2024 - Anesthesiology Residency, UCSFMD, 06/2020 - Medicine, UCSFBS, 06/2015 - Bioengineering, UC Berkeley Publications Close Enough? Feasibility, Success, and Sustainability of Critical Care Echocardiography Curricula. Marcus SG, Brusca SB Angiotensin II in liver transplantation (AngLT-1): protocol of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Bokoch MP, Tran AT, Brinson EL, Marcus SG, Reddy M, Sun E, Roll GR, Pardo M, Fields S, Adelmann D, Kothari RP, Legrand M Pulmonary Injury Causing a Massive Air Leak During Liver Transplantation: A Case Report and Discussion of Decision-Making. Mavrothalassitis O, Marcus SG, Roll GR, Tallarico RT, Bokoch MP Perioperative Lung Resection Outcomes After Implementation of a Multidisciplinary, Evidence-based Thoracic ERAS Program. Haro GJ, Sheu B, Marcus SG, Sarin A, Campbell L, Jablons DM, Kratz JR The H-Y Antigen in Embryonic Stem Cells Causes Rejection in Syngeneic Female Recipients. Hu X, Kueppers ST, Kooreman NG, Gravina A, Wang D, Tediashvili G, Schlickeiser S, Frentsch M, Nikolaou C, Thiel A, Marcus S, Fuchs S, Velden J, Reichenspurner H, Volk HD, Deuse T, Schrepfer S A Cryoinjury Model to Study Myocardial Infarction in the Mouse. Wang D, Tediashvili G, Hu X, Gravina A, Marcus SG, Zhang H, Olgin JE, Deuse T, Schrepfer S The effect of an organ procurement experience on preclinical medical student perceptions of transplant surgery. Feinstein MA, Marcus SG, Amara DP, Durcanova B, Roll GR, Orandi BJ The Gambler's Fallacy in Screening Mammography. Callen AL, Lobach I, Mesina O, Marcus S, Joe BN, Sickles EA, Greenwood HI Hybrid Open Minimally Invasive Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement. Marcus SG, Mahadevan VS, Deuse T TGF-β1/CD105 signaling controls vascular network formation within growth factor sequestering hyaluronic acid hydrogels. Browne S, Jha AK, Ameri K, Marcus SG, Yeghiazarians Y, Healy KE Association between misty mesentery with baseline or new diagnosis of cancer: a matched cohort study. Marcus SG, Candia S, Kohli MD, Mongan J, Zagoria RJ, Behr SC, Sun D, Westphalen AC μOrgano: A Lego®-Like Plug & Play System for Modular Multi-Organ-Chips. Loskill P, Marcus SG, Mathur A, Reese WM, Healy KE Human iPSC-based cardiac microphysiological system for drug screening applications. Mathur A, Loskill P, Shao K, Huebsch N, Hong S, Marcus SG, Marks N, Mandegar M, Conklin BR, Lee LP, Healy KE Human induced pluripotent stem cell-based microphysiological tissue models of myocardium and liver for drug development. Mathur A, Loskill P, Hong S, Lee J, Marcus SG, Dumont L, Conklin BR, Willenbring H, Lee LP, Healy KE