Paul Su, MD

HS Asst Clinical Professor
Burke JF, Kunwar N, Yaroshinsky MS, Louie KH, Shirvalkar P, Su P, Henry M, Pasvankas G, Poree L, Jacques L, Wang DD. Epidural Spinal Electrogram Provides Direct Spinal Recordings in Awake Human Participants. Front Hum Neurosci. 2021; 15:721076.
Su PP, Peniche A, Clelland E, Ladd M, Delgado A, Chen LL, Siegmueller C, Latronica M, Naidu R, Aleshi P, Behrends M. Comparison of programmed intermittent epidural bolus and continuous epidural infusion for post-operative analgesia after major abdominal surgery: A randomized controlled trial. J Clin Anesth. 2020 Apr 28; 64:109850.