Biography Dr. Barreto Chang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, with a research focus on understanding the molecular and behavioral basis of cognitive impairment after surgery. By focusing on the perioperative period, she seeks to improve both the information patients receive during the perioperative evaluation in terms of their brain health assessment and also develop potential approaches for neuroprotection during the period of surgery and postoperative recovery. Role Faculty Location UCSF at Mission Bay UCSF at Mount Zion UCSF at Parnassus Category Clinical Research Specialties Neuroanesthesia Education Internship, - Surgery, Stanford Hospital and ClinicsMD/PhD, - Medicine/Neuroscience, Stanford University School of Medicine - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California San FranciscoPostdoctoral Studies, - Neuroscience, University of California San FranciscoResidency, - Anesthesia, University of California, San FranciscoBS, - Biology, University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Publications A 4-Day Exposure to High Altitude Prolongs QTc in Healthy Human Subjects. Gudelunas K, Chinn GA, Barreto-Chang OL, Campbell L, Sall JW A comparison of large language model-generated and published perioperative neurocognitive disorder recommendations: a cross-sectional web-based analysis. Saxena S, Barreto Chang OL, Suppan M, Meco BC, Vacas S, Radtke F, Matot I, Devos A, Maze M, Gisselbaek M, Berger-Estilita J ASA Doctors Back to School 2024: The Philly Edition Niti Pawar, MD; Marc Parris, MD, MPH; Odmara L. Barreto Chang, MD, PhD Closing the Quality Chasm for Brain Health with Implementation Science Odmara L. Barreto Chang MD, PhD; Daniel J. Cole MD, FASA; Robert A. Whittington, MD Handbook of the Biology and Pathology of Mental Disorders Odmara L. Barreto Chang, Harper S. Kim, and Mervyn Maze Intraoperative Burst Suppression by Analysis of Raw Electroencephalogram Postoperative Delirium in Older Adults Undergoing Spine Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Pawar N, Zhou S, Duarte K, Wise A, García PS, Kreuzer M, Barreto Chang OL Representation of intensivists' race/ethnicity, sex, and age by artificial intelligence: a cross-sectional study of two text-to-image models. Gisselbaek M, Suppan M, Minsart L, Köselerli E, Nainan Myatra S, Matot I, Barreto Chang OL, Saxena S, Berger-Estilita J Beyond the stereotypes: Artificial Intelligence image generation and diversity in anesthesiology. Gisselbaek M, Minsart L, Köselerli E, Suppan M, Meco BC, Seidel L, Albert A, Barreto Chang OL, Saxena S, Berger-Estilita J Gender and Race/Ethnicity dynamics in anesthesiology mentorship: results of a European survey. Gisselbaek M, Marsh B, Soriano L, Jackman S, Seidel L, Albert A, Matot I, Coppens S, Narouze S, Barreto Chang OL, Saxena S Case Report of Hyponatremic Seizures in a Term Neonate Attributed to Excessive Maternal Coconut Water Ingestion During Labor. Soriano LP, Rollins MD, Barreto Chang OL Gender bias in images of anaesthesiologists generated by artificial intelligence. Gisselbaek M, Köselerli E, Suppan M, Minsart L, Meco BC, Seidel L, Albert A, Barreto Chang OL, Berger-Estilita J, Saxena S Clinical and Medical Innovation in Anesthesiology. Primary book author: Adam E.M. Eltorai. Chapter 15: Pilot Study, Author: Odmara L. Barreto Chang Odmara L. Barreto Chang Gaps in cognitive care among older patients undergoing spine surgery. Barreto Chang OL, Pawar N, Whitlock EL, Miller B, Possin KL ASA 2023 Doctors Back to School Program Returns to the Classroom Sara Zhou, Darryl P. Brown, and Odmara L. Barreto Chang Association of University Anesthesiologists Odmara L. Barreto Chang and Niti Pawar Impostor syndrome in anaesthesiology primarily affects female and junior physicians☆. Gisselbaek M, Hontoir S, Pesonen AE, Seidel L, Geniets B, Steen E, Barreto Chang OL, Saxena S Gender equity in anesthesia: is it time to rock the boat? Gisselbaek M, Barreto Chang OL, Saxena S Addressing gaps in primary care diagnosis of cognitive impairment via a telephone-based nurse consultation. Shin SY, Goode CA, Bui NM, Premkumar M, Hill-Sakurai LE, Bernstein Sideman A, Kiekhofer RE, Chodos AH, Dulaney S, Wynn MJ, Barreto Chang OL, Possin KL Defining the role of Interleukin-6 for the development of perioperative neurocognitive disorders: Evidence from clinical and preclinical studies. Barreto Chang OL, Maze M A novel approach for the detection of cognitive impairment and delirium risk in older patients undergoing spine surgery. Barreto Chang OL, Whitlock EL, Arias AD, Tsoy E, Allen IE, Hellman J, Bickler PE, Miller B, Possin KL Age-Related Perioperative Neurocognitive Disorders: Experimental Models and Druggable Targets. Barreto Chang OL, Possin KL, Maze M ASA Monitor Christine Vo and Odmara L. Barreto Chang Ketamine-Associated Intraoperative Electroencephalographic Signatures of Elderly Patients With and Without Preoperative Cognitive Impairment. Barreto Chang OL, Kreuzer M, Morgen DF, Possin KL, García PS Burst Suppression During General Anesthesia and Postoperative Outcomes: Mini Review. Pawar N, Barreto Chang OL ASA Monitor Odmara L. Barreto Chang, Daniel P. Corsino, Crystal C. Wright A case report: anaphylaxis to cefazolin during renal transplant surgery. Hemati K, Gierat S, Roll GR, Barreto Chang OL A little help from our friends: intra-operative endoscopy for the extraction of an ingested foreign body. Barreto-Chang O, Palmer O, Ready J, Hwang J Diagnosis of pilomatricoma using an otoscope. Barreto-Chang OL, Gorell ES, Yamaguma MA, Lane AT Vitamin D--deficient rickets in a child with cow's milk allergy. Barreto-Chang OL, Barreto-Chang O, Pearson D, Shepard WE, Longhurst CA, Longhurst C, Greene A Regulation of Neuronal Survival and CREB-Dependent Transcription by CaV1.2 L-Type Calcium Channels Barreto-Chang OL Calcium imaging of cortical neurons using Fura-2 AM. Barreto-Chang OL, Dolmetsch RE Parcs is a dual regulator of cell proliferation and apaf-1 function. Sanchez-Olea R, Ortiz S, Barreto O, Yang Q, Xu CJ, Zhu H, Yuan J The C terminus of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel Ca(V)1.2 encodes a transcription factor. Gomez-Ospina N, Tsuruta F, Barreto-Chang O, Hu L, Dolmetsch R Bcl-2 transfection via herpes simplex virus blocks apoptosis-inducing factor translocation after focal ischemia in the rat. Zhao H, Yenari MA, Cheng D, Barreto-Chang OL, Sapolsky RM, Steinberg GK