Biography Overview: SFGH, as the only level 1 trauma hospital for San Francisco, is where the most severely injured trauma patients are treated. As the Director for Trauma Anesthesiology, I am engaged on multiple fronts to improve the individual treatment, systems-based care and the science of acute trauma care. I embrace the critical role of blood product and coagulation management and I have been introducing best practices and new techniques for this at a local and national level. Recognizing that this is a complex endeavor requiring multiple disciplines to work in synergy, I have taken on leadership, investigative and educational roles to fulfill my vision of delivering state of the art, multidisciplinary care to the severely injured patient. Studies: PROPPR -Pragmatic, Randomized, Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios (PROPPR)is a Phase III trial designed to evaluate the difference in 24-hour and 30-day mortality among subjects predicted to receive massive transfusion ([MT] (defined as receiving 10 units or more RBCs within the first 24 hours). The goal of PROPPR is to improve the basis on which clinicians make decisions about transfusion protocols for massively bleeding patients. PROPPR is a Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (ROC) Protocol. ROC is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the United States' Department of Defense (DoD) and the Defence Research and Development Canada. PROPPR will be conducted as a Phase III trial at Level I Adult Trauma Centers in North America. Role Faculty Location UCSF at Parnassus Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Category Clinical Specialties Trauma Education 2019 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California Publications Perioperative blood transfusions in hip and knee arthroplasty: a retrospective assessment of combined risk factors. Erben HC, Hess F, Welter J, Graf N, Steurer MP, Neff TA, Zettl R, Dullenkopf A Placement of TOF-Cuff® on the lower leg for neuromuscular and blood pressure monitoring during anesthetic induction for shoulder surgeries. Dullenkopf A, Horn K, Steurer MP, Hess F, Welter J Dimensional Variations of Left-Sided Double-Lumen Endobronchial Tubes. Hegland N, Schnitzler S, Ellensohn J, Steurer MP, Weiss M, Dullenkopf A Measuring the accuracy of propofol target-controlled infusion (TCI) before and after surgery with major blood loss. Mohler T, Welter J, Steurer M, Neumann L, Zueger M, Kraemer T, Dullenkopf A Viscoelastic Monitoring to Guide the Correction of Perioperative Coagulopathy and Massive Transfusion in Patients with Life-Threatening Hemorrhage. Blaine KP, Steurer MP Older Blood Is Associated With Increased Mortality and Adverse Events in Massively Transfused Trauma Patients: Secondary Analysis of the PROPPR Trial. Jones AR, Patel RP, Marques MB, Donnelly JP, Griffin RL, Pittet JF, Kerby JD, Stephens SW, DeSantis SM, Hess JR, Wang HE, PROPPR Study Group Elevated Syndecan-1 after Trauma and Risk of Sepsis: A Secondary Analysis of Patients from the Pragmatic, Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios (PROPPR) Trial. Wei S, Gonzalez Rodriguez E, Chang R, Holcomb JB, Kao LS, Wade CE, PROPPR Study Group Endotracheal tube cuff pressure changes during manual cuff pressure control manoeuvres: An in-vitro assessment. Aeppli N, Lindauer B, Steurer MP, Weiss M, Dullenkopf A Coagulation Monitoring of the Bleeding Trauma Patient. Marc P. Steurer, Michael T. Ganter Post-discharge nausea and vomiting after total intravenous anaesthesia and standardised PONV prophylaxis for ambulatory surgery. Bruderer U, Fisler A, Steurer MP, Steurer M, Dullenkopf A Onset of Coagulation Function Recovery Is Delayed in Severely Injured Trauma Patients with Venous Thromboembolism. McCully BH, Connelly CR, Fair KA, Holcomb JB, Fox EE, Wade CE, Bulger EM, Schreiber MA, PROPPR Study Group Factors influencing the level of patients using the internet to gather information before anaesthesia: a single-centre survey of 815 patients in Switzerland : The internet for patient information before anaesthesia. Wieser T, Steurer MP, Steurer M, Dullenkopf A Midazolam plasma concentration after anesthesia premedication in clinical routine - an observational study : Midazolam plasma concentration after anesthesia premedication. Steiner C, Steurer MP, Mueller D, Zueger M, Dullenkopf A Damage-control resuscitation and emergency laparotomy: Findings from the PROPPR study. Undurraga Perl VJ, Leroux B, Cook MR, Watson J, Fair K, Martin DT, Kerby JD, Williams C, Inaba K, Wade CE, Cotton BA, Del Junco DJ, Fox EE, Scalea TM, Tilley BC, Holcomb JB, Schreiber MA, PROPPR Study Group Damage Control Resuscitation: More Than Just Transfusion Strategies. Catherine Heim, Marc P. Steurer, Karim Brohi Postoperative delirium assessed by post anesthesia care unit staff utilizing the Nursing Delirium Screening Scale: a prospective observational study of 1000 patients in a single Swiss institution. Winter A, Steurer MP, Dullenkopf A Making thawed universal donor plasma available rapidly for massively bleeding trauma patients: experience from the Pragmatic, Randomized Optimal Platelets and Plasma Ratios (PROPPR) trial. Novak DJ, Bai Y, Cooke RK, Marques MB, Fontaine MJ, Gottschall JL, Carey PM, Scanlan RM, Fiebig EW, Shulman IA, Nelson JM, Flax S, Duncan V, Daniel-Johnson JA, Callum JL, Holcomb JB, Fox EE, Baraniuk S, Tilley BC, Schreiber MA, Inaba K, Rizoli S, Podbielski JM, Cotton BA, Hess JR, PROPPR Study Group Transfusion of plasma, platelets, and red blood cells in a 1:1:1 vs a 1:1:2 ratio and mortality in patients with severe trauma: the PROPPR randomized clinical trial. Holcomb JB, Tilley BC, Baraniuk S, Fox EE, Wade CE, Podbielski JM, del Junco DJ, Brasel KJ, Bulger EM, Callcut RA, Cohen MJ, Cotton BA, Fabian TC, Inaba K, Kerby JD, Muskat P, O'Keeffe T, Rizoli S, Robinson BR, Scalea TM, Schreiber MA, Stein DM, Weinberg JA, Callum JL, Hess JR, Matijevic N, Miller CN, Pittet JF, Hoyt DB, Pearson GD, Leroux B, van Belle G, PROPPR Study Group Anesthetic management of patients undergoing bariatric surgery: two year experience in a single institution in Switzerland. Lindauer B, Steurer MP, Müller MK, Dullenkopf A Trauma and Massive Blood Transfusions. Marc P. Steurer, Michael T. Ganter Pragmatic Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios (PROPPR) Trial: design, rationale and implementation. Baraniuk S, Tilley BC, del Junco DJ, Fox EE, van Belle G, Wade CE, Podbielski JM, Beeler AM, Hess JR, Bulger EM, Schreiber MA, Inaba K, Fabian TC, Kerby JD, Cohen MJ, Miller CN, Rizoli S, Scalea TM, O'Keeffe T, Brasel KJ, Cotton BA, Muskat P, Holcomb JB, PROPPR Study Group Late pharmacologic conditioning with volatile anesthetics after cardiac surgery. Steurer MP, Steurer MA, Baulig W, Piegeler T, Schläpfer M, Spahn DR, Falk V, Dreessen P, Theusinger OM, Schmid ER, Schwartz D, Neff TA, Beck-Schimmer B Anesthetic-induced improvement of the inflammatory response to one-lung ventilation. De Conno E, Steurer MP, Wittlinger M, Zalunardo MP, Weder W, Schneiter D, Schimmer RC, Klaghofer R, Neff TA, Schmid ER, Spahn DR, Z'graggen BR, Urner M, Beck-Schimmer B The volatile anaesthetic sevoflurane attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced injury in alveolar macrophages. Steurer M, Schläpfer M, Steurer M, Z'graggen BR, Booy C, Reyes L, Spahn DR, Beck-Schimmer B Postconditioning with a volatile anaesthetic in alveolar epithelial cells in vitro. Yue T, Roth Z'graggen B, Blumenthal S, Neff SB, Reyes L, Booy C, Steurer M, Spahn DR, Neff TA, Schmid ER, Beck-Schimmer B Functional, electrophysiologic, and morphometric evaluation of nerve regeneration from coaptation on regenerated nerve fibers: experimental study in rabbits. Beer GM, Burg D, Zehnder A, Seifert B, Steurer M, Grimaldi H, Meyer VE