Lawrence Litt, MD, PhD

Lawrence Litt, MD, PhD

Professor Emeritus


Now an emeritus professor, I am retired from all research, teaching, and clinical activities. Laboratory research was supported by 28 years of NIH funding via R01 GM034767, during which time I was a member of NIH's Neurology A Study Section for 7 years, and then a member of the Surgery, Anesthesiology and Trauma Study Section for 5 years. Publications listed below are from a list of 88 peer-reviewed publications in professional journals, with 21 being as an experimental elementary particle physicist with post-doc and junior faculty appointments at Harvard, Rockefeller University, and Michigan State University, and visiting scientist appointments at the Centre Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), Brookhaven, and Fermilab. Approximately 40% of my time during my 33 years at the Parnassus Campus was in clinical anesthesia teaching and care in the Moffitt-Long Hospital Operating rooms, with an emphasis on anesthesia for neurological surgery.


06/1982 - Anesthesia Residency, UCSF
M.D., 06/1979 - medicine, Univ of Miami School of Medicine
PhD, 06/1971 - physics, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
A.B., 06/1963 - physics, Columbia College
