Role Faculty Location UCSF at Mission Bay UCSF at Mount Zion UCSF at Parnassus Category Clinical Research Specialties Pain Medicine Regional Anesthesia Education MAS, 2019 - Advanced Clinical Science, University of California2018 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California2006 - Board Certification Anesthesiology, University of HamburgPhD, 2004 - Pharmacogenomics, University of HamburgM.D., 2000 - School of Medicine, University of Hamburg Publications Anesthetic Considerations for Orthopedic Amputation Surgery. Abigail Howard, Kerstin Kolodzie Differences in Acute Postoperative Opioid Use by English Proficiency, Race, and Ethnicity After Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty. Joo H, Nguyen K, Kolodzie K, Chen LL, Kim MO, Manuel S Lactate concentration at the end of liver transplant: Early predictor of graft function or just one piece of the puzzle? Galli AM, Kothari R, Adelmann D, Holm Z, Bokoch MP, De Gasperi A, Niemann CU, Kolodzie K Perioperative mortality in liver transplantation before and after the implementation of the organ allocation policy Share 35. Holm ZD, Kolodzie K, Galli AM, Meyhoff CS, Niemann CU, Adelmann D 1 Four different postoperative analgesic approaches in patients converted from laparoscopic to open gynecologic tumor surgery – trends and progress. Hyundeok Joo, Kevin H. Nguyen, Kerstin Kolodzie, Lee-may Chen, Lee-lynn Chen Wildfire Smoke Exposure Is Associated with Adverse Respiratory Events under General Anesthesia in At-risk Pediatric Patients. Marsh BJ, Kolodzie K, Robinowitz D, Jacobson A, Ferschl M Peace, not war in Ukraine or anywhere else, please. Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Fischer MO, Njeim R, Allaouchiche B, Bastide S, Biais M, Bouvet L, Brissaud O, Brull SJ, Capdevila X, Clausen N, Cuvillon P, Dadure C, David JS, Du B, Einav S, Eley V, Forget P, Fujii T, Godier A, Gopalan DP, Hamada S, Hasanin A, Joannes-Boyau O, Kerever S, Kipnis É, Kolodzie K, Landau R, Le Gall A, Le Guen M, Legrand M, Lorne E, Mercier FJ, Mongardon N, Myatra S, Nicolas-Robin A, John Peters M, Quintard H, Rello J, Richebé P, Roberts JA, Rocquilly A, Sanfilippo F, Schneider A, Sofonea MT, Veyckemans F, Zetlaoui P, Zeidan A, Zieleskiewicz L, Zielinska M, Von Ungern-Sternberg B, Abou Arab O, Blet A, Bounes F, Boisson M, Caillard A, Carillion A, Clavier T, Frasca D, James A, Sigaut S, Rozencwajg S, Albaladejo P, Bouaziz H 2021 adaptation of the editorial policy of Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine (ACCPM). Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Njeim R, Ausset S, Bastide S, Biais M, Bouvet L, Brissaud O, Brull SJ, Capdevila X, Cuvillon P, Dadure C, David JS, Bin D, Fischer MO, Forget P, Fujii T, Godier A, Gopalan DP, Hamada S, Joannes-Boyau O, Kerever S, Kipnis É, Kolodzie K, Landau R, Le Gall A, Le Guen M, Legrand M, Lonnqvist PA, Lorne E, Mercier F, Mongardon N, Nicolas-Robin A, Peters MJ, Quintard H, Rello J, Richebe P, Roberts JA, Rocquilly A, Schneider A, Veyckemans F, Zetlaoui P, Abou Arab O, Blet A, Bounes F, Boisson M, Caillard A, Carillon A, Clavier T, Frasca D, James A, Sigaut S, Rozencwajg S, Bouaziz H Perioperative Normal Saline Administration and Delayed Graft Function in Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Kolodzie K, Cakmakkaya OS, Boparai ES, Tavakol M, Feiner JR, Kim MO, Newman TB, Niemann CU Continuous Lumbar Plexus Block vs Continuous Lumbar Erector Spinae Plane Block for Postoperative Pain Control After Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. Chen A, Kolodzie K, Schultz A, Hansen EN, Braehler M Correction: Cross-cultural adaptation of the Fresno Test for Turkish language. Cakmakkaya OS, Bati AH, Kolodzie K Extraplexus versus intraplexus ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus block for ambulatory arthroscopic shoulder surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Harbell MW, Kolodzie K, Behrends M, Ma CB, Kinjo S, Yap E, Braehler MR, Aleshi P Cross-cultural adaptation of the Fresno Test for Turkish language. Cakmakkaya OS, Bati AH, Kolodzie K Perioperative outcomes for patients on chronic buprenorphine undergoing spine surgery: A case series. Sharp AL, Gilbert S, Perez DN, Kolodzie K, Behrends M Intravenous Fluid Management Practices in Kidney Transplant Patients: A Multicenter Observational Cohort Pilot Study. Efune GE, Zerillo J, Zhou G, Mazzeffi MA, Demaria S, Wang C, Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia Research Committee Writing Group The effects of transmuscular quadratus lumborum blocks on postoperative pain in arthroscopic hip surgery: a cohort analysis. Kinjo S, Kolodzie K, Dong K, Zhang AL Preoperative Fascia Iliaca Block Does Not Improve Analgesia after Arthroscopic Hip Surgery, but Causes Quadriceps Muscles Weakness: A Randomized, Double-blind Trial. Behrends M, Yap EN, Zhang AL, Kolodzie K, Kinjo S, Harbell MW, Aleshi P Postoperative Pulmonary Complications, Early Mortality, and Hospital Stay Following Noncardiothoracic Surgery: A Multicenter Study by the Perioperative Research Network Investigators. Fernandez-Bustamante A, Frendl G, Sprung J, Kor DJ, Subramaniam B, Martinez Ruiz R, Lee JW, Henderson WG, Moss A, Mehdiratta N, Colwell MM, Bartels K, Kolodzie K, Giquel J, Vidal Melo MF Combined preoperative femoral and sciatic nerve blockade improves analgesia after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Harbell MW, Cohen JM, Kolodzie K, Behrends M, Braehler MR, Kinjo S, Feeley BT, Aleshi P Anaesthetic techniques for risk of malignant tumour recurrence. Cakmakkaya OS, Kolodzie K, Apfel CC, Pace NL Preoperative Sciatic and Femoral Nerve Blocks for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Retrospective Analysis Cohen JM, Kolodzie K, Shah S, Aleshi P Anesthesia management of patients undergoing hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion with melphalan for melanoma treatment: an analysis of 17 cases. Ruschulte H, Shi S, Tseng WW, Kolodzie K, Crawford PC, Schneider DB, Kashani-Sabet M, Minor D, Apfel C, Leong SP Postoperative throat symptoms: does the endotracheal tube cuff pressure play a role?. K. Kolodzie, P. A. Weott, T. J. OsterbergDeiss, C. S. Yost Effects of theophylline on anesthetized malignant hyperthermia-susceptible pigs. Fiege M, Weisshorn R, Kolodzie K, Wappler F, Gerbershagen MU In-Vitro and In-Vivo Effects of the Local Anaesthetic Dibucaine on Malignant Hyperthermia–Susceptible and Normal Swine. Mark U. Gerbershagen, Ralf Weißhorn, Kerstin Kolodzie, Frank Wappler, Marko Fiege Anaesthetic techniques for risk of malignant tumour recurrence. Christian C Apfel, Ozlem S Cakmakkaya, Kerstin Kolodzie, Nathan Leon Pace Nausea and vomiting after office-based anesthesia. Kolodzie K, Apfel CC Droperidol has comparable clinical efficacy against both nausea and vomiting. Apfel CC, Cakmakkaya OS, Frings G, Kranke P, Malhotra A, Stader A, Turan A, Biedler A, Kolodzie K The effect of postoperative fasting on vomiting in children and their assessment of pain. Radke OC, Biedler A, Kolodzie K, Cakmakkaya OS, Silomon M, Apfel CC A simple clinical maneuver to reduce laparoscopy induced shoulder pain: A randomized clinical trial. O. Cakmakkaya, P. Phelps, C. Apfel, O. Radke, K. Kolodzie Cumulative and bolus in vitro contracture testing with 4-chloro-3-ethylphenol in malignant hyperthermia positive and negative human skeletal muscles. Gerbershagen MU, Fiege M, Weisshorn R, Kolodzie K, Esch JSA, Wappler F Phosphodiesterase-III-inhibition with amrinone leads to contracture development in skeletal muscle preparations of malignant hyperthermia susceptible swine. Fiege M, Wappler F, Weisshorn R, Gerbershagen MU, Kolodzie K, Schulte am Esch J Inhibition of sarcoplasmic Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase in porcine skeletal muscle samples with cyclopiazonic acid enables in vitro malignant hyperthermia discrimination. Gerbershagen MU, Wappler F, Fiege M, Weihorn R, Kolodzie K, Schulte Esch J Ryanodine contracture threshold times for diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility: an experimental approach from a single laboratory. Weisshorn R, Wappler F, Fiege M, Gerbershagen MU, Kolodzie K, Alberts P, Horn EP, Schulte Am Esch J [Theophylline induces contractures in porcine skeletal muscle preparations with the disposition to malignant hyperthermia]. Gerbershagen MU, Fiege M, Weisshorn R, Kolodzie K, Wappler F [Is a presymptomatic malignant hyperthermia in-vitro diagnosis with 4-chloro-3-ethyl phenol possible? A study using porcine skeletal preparations]. Gerbershagen MU, Wappler F, Fiege M, Weisshorn R, Kolodzie K, Schulte am Esch J Kann eine Maligne Hyperthermie durch die Einsch?tzung mittels Clinical Grading Scale zuverl?ssig diagnostiziert werden?. K Kolodzie, FM Wappler, M Fiege, R Wei?horn, MU Gerbershagen, J Schulte am Esch Effects of a 5HT(2) receptor agonist on anaesthetized pigs susceptible to malignant hyperthermia. Gerbershagen MU, Wappler F, Fiege M, Kolodzie K, Weisshorn R, Szafarczyk W, Kudlik C, Schulte Am Esch J In vitro and in vivo effects of the phosphodiesterase-III inhibitor enoximone on malignant hyperthermia-susceptible swine. Fiege M, Wappler F, Weisshorn R, Gerbershagen MU, Kolodzie K, Schulte Am Esch J 4-Chloro-M-Cresol Induced Contractures in Muscle Samples from Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptible Patients Are Modulated by Dantrolene. Frank Wappler, Marko Fiege, Ralf Weisshorn, Kerstin Kolodzie, Jochen Schulte am Esch In-vitro Contracture Test with Theophylline - An Alternative in Diagnosis of Malignant Hyperthermia?. Marko Fiege, Frank Wappler, Ralf Weisshorn, Kerstin Kolodzie, Jochen Schulte am Esch 4-chloro-m-cresol is a trigger of malignant hyperthermia in susceptible swine. Wappler F, Scholz J, Fiege M, Kolodzie K, Kudlik C, Weisshorn R, Schulte am Esch J