Role Faculty Location Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Category Clinical Research Specialties Trauma Education MD., - Medicine, Fudan University Medical CenterPhD., - Neuroscience, Rutgers UniversityNIH T32 Fellow, - Anesthesia and Neurotrauma, University of CaliforniaResident, - Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania Publications ATF3 is a neuron-specific biomarker for spinal cord injury and ischaemic stroke. Pan JZ, Wang Z, Sun W, Pan P, Li W, Sun Y, Chen S, Lin A, Tan W, He L, Greene J, Yao V, An L, Liang R, Li Q, Yu J, Zhang L, Kyritsis N, Fernandez XD, Moncivais S, Mendoza E, Fung P, Wang G, Niu X, Du Q, Xiao Z, Chang Y, Lv P, Huie JR, Torres-Espin A, Ferguson AR, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Weinstein PR, Pascual LU, Singh V, DiGiorgio AM, Saigal R, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Bresnahan JC, Maze M, Jiang X, Singhal NS, Beattie MS, Su H, Guan Z Correction: Expert-augmented automated machine learning optimizes hemodynamic predictors of spinal cord injury outcome. Chou A, Torres-Espin A, Kyritsis N, Huie JR, Khatry S, Funk J, Hay J, Lofgreen A, Shah R, McCann C, Pascual LU, Amorim E, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Pan JZ, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Whetstone WD, Ferguson AR, TRACK-SCI Investigators 188 American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale (AIS) Conversion Underestimates Neurological Recovery Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury. Winward Choy, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Adam Ferguson, Debra P. Hemmerle, Lisa U. Pascual, Vineeta Singh, Jason Talbott, Jonathan Pan, Abel Torres, William Whetstone, J. Russell Huie, Kenneth Fond, Anastasia Keller, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Michael Beattie, Anthony Michael DiGiorgio, Sanjay S. Dhall, Rajiv Saigal Hypotension requiring vasopressor treatment and increased cardiac complications in elderly spinal cord injury patients: a prospective TRACK-SCI registry study. Agarwal N, Blitstein J, Lui A, Torres-Espin A, Vasnarungruengkul C, Burke J, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS, Weinstein PR, Duong-Fernandez X, Chou A, Pan J, Singh V, Ferguson AR, Hemmerle DD, Kyritsis N, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Manley GT, DiGiorgio A Editorial: Perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: Mechanisms, pathogenesis, and potential therapeutic strategies. Front Cell Neurosci. 2022 Dec 13;16:1086692. PMID: 36582212 Xiaodi Chen, Shadi Nawaf Malaeb, Jonathan Pan, Laishuan Wang, Joseph Scafidi Expert-augmented automated machine learning optimizes hemodynamic predictors of spinal cord injury outcome. Chou A, Torres-Espin A, Kyritsis N, Huie JR, Khatry S, Funk J, Hay J, Lofgreen A, Shah R, McCann C, Pascual LU, Amorim E, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Pan JZ, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Whetstone WD, Ferguson AR, TRACK-SCI Investigators Decision tree-based machine learning analysis of intraoperative vasopressor use to optimize neurological improvement in acute spinal cord injury. Agarwal N, Aabedi AA, Torres-Espin A, Chou A, Wozny TA, Mummaneni PV, Burke JF, Ferguson AR, Kyritsis N, Dhall SS, Weinstein PR, Duong-Fernandez X, Pan J, Singh V, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Manley GT, Beattie MS, DiGiorgio AM Topological network analysis of patient similarity for precision management of acute blood pressure in spinal cord injury. Torres-Espín A, Haefeli J, Ehsanian R, Torres D, Almeida CA, Huie JR, Chou A, Morozov D, Sanderson N, Dirlikov B, Suen CG, Nielson JL, Kyritsis N, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, McKenna SL, Pan JZ, Ferguson AR, TRACK-SCI Investigators Diagnostic blood RNA profiles for human acute spinal cord injury. Kyritsis N, Torres-Espín A, Schupp PG, Huie JR, Chou A, Duong-Fernandez X, Thomas LH, Tsolinas RE, Hemmerle DD, Pascual LU, Singh V, Pan JZ, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Ferguson AR, Oldham MC, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS Injury volume extracted from MRI predicts neurologic outcome in acute spinal cord injury: A prospective TRACK-SCI pilot study. Mummaneni N, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Thomas LH, Duong-Fernandez X, Harris M, Pascual LU, Ferguson AR, Russell Huie J, Pan JZ, Hemmerle DD, Singh V, Torres-Espin A, Omondi C, Kyritsis N, Weinstein PR, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Cohen-Adad J, Dhall SS, Talbott JF Dexmedetomidine Exerts an Anti-inflammatory Effect via α2 Adrenoceptors to Prevent Lipopolysaccharide-induced Cognitive Decline in Mice. Li R, Lai IK, Pan JZ, Zhang P, Maze M Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Spinal Cord Injury (TRACK-SCI): an overview of initial enrollment and demographics. Tsolinas RE, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Thomas LH, Duong-Fernandez X, Harris MH, Yue JK, Winkler EA, Suen CG, Pascual LU, Ferguson AR, Huie JR, Pan JZ, Hemmerle DD, Singh V, Torres-Espin A, Omondi C, Kyritsis N, Haefeli J, Weinstein PR, de Almeida Neto CA, Kuo YH, Taggard D, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Dhall SS Dexmedetomidine modulates neuroinflammation and improves outcome via alpha2-adrenergic receptor signaling after rat spinal cord injury. Gao J, Sun Z, Xiao Z, Du Q, Niu X, Wang G, Chang YW, Sun Y, Sun W, Lin A, Bresnahan JC, Maze M, Beattie MS, Pan JZ Traumatic Brain Injury: Risk Assessment and Perioperative Management. Jonathan Z. Pan, Lingzhong Meng Clinical Implementation of Novel Spinal Cord Perfusion Pressure Protocol in Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury at U.S. Level I Trauma Center: TRACK-SCI Study. Yue JK, Hemmerle DD, Winkler EA, Thomas LH, Fernandez XD, Kyritsis N, Pan JZ, Pascual LU, Singh V, Weinstein PR, Talbott JF, Huie JR, Ferguson AR, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS In Reply: Ultra-Early (<12 Hours) Surgery Correlates With Higher Rate of American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale Conversion After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Burke JF, Yue JK, Ngwenya LB, Winkler EA, Talbott JF, Pan JZ, Ferguson AR, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Haefeli J, Whetstone WD, Suen CG, Huang MC, Manley GT, Tarapore PE, Dhall SS Ultra-Early (<12 Hours) Surgery Correlates With Higher Rate of American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale Conversion After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Burke JF, Yue JK, Ngwenya LB, Winkler EA, Talbott JF, Pan JZ, Ferguson AR, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Haefeli J, Whetstone WD, Suen CG, Huang MC, Manley GT, Tarapore PE, Dhall SS Motor Evoked Potentials Correlate With Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Early Recovery After Acute Spinal Cord Injury. Dhall SS, Haefeli J, Talbott JF, Ferguson AR, Readdy WJ, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Pan JZ, Manley GT, Whetstone WD Data-Driven Comparison Of Acute Imaging Biomarkers For Spinal Cord Injury: A Prospective TRACK-SCI Pilot Study (S42.006). J. Russell Huie, Jason Talbott, Vineeta Singh, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Rachel Tsolinas, Lisa Pascual, Jonathan Pan, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Dolores Torres, Michael Beattie, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Adam Ferguson, Sanjay Dhall, William Whetstone Genomics and Proteomic Techniques. Pan JZ Between a ROCK and an IR Place. Pan JZ, Eckenhoff RG 141. Vineeta Singh, J. Russell Huie, Dolores Torres, Adam Ferguson, Michael Beattie, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Jonathan Pan, Lisa Pascual, Jason Talbott, Rachel Tsolinas, Xuan Fernandez, William Whetstone, Sanjay Dhall, Phil Weinstein Failure of Mean Arterial Pressure Goals to Improve Outcomes Following Penetrating Spinal Cord Injury. Readdy WJ, Saigal R, Whetstone WD, Mefford AN, Ferguson AR, Talbott JF, Inoue T, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Pan J, Manley GT, Dhall SS Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy. Nicole Jackman, Jonathan Z. Pan Higher Mean Arterial Pressure Values Correlate with Neurologic Improvement in Patients with Initially Complete Spinal Cord Injuries. Catapano JS, John Hawryluk GW, Whetstone W, Saigal R, Ferguson A, Talbott J, Bresnahan J, Dhall S, Pan J, Beattie M, Manley G 182 Ultra-Early (<12 Hours) Decompression Improves Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury Compared to Early (12-24 Hours) Decompression. Burke JF, Yue JK, Ngwenya LB, Winkler EA, Talbott J, Pan J, Ferguson A, Beattie M, Bresnahan J, Haefeli J, Whetstone W, Suen C, Huang MC, Manley GT, Tarapore PE, Dhall SS Failure of Mean Arterial Pressure Goals to Improve Outcomes Following Penetrating Spinal Cord Injury. Readdy WJ, Saigal R, Whetstone WD, Mefford A, Ferguson AR, Talbott JF, Inoue T, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Pan J, Manley GT, Dhall SS Changes in the Bispectral Index in Response to Loss of Consciousness and No Somatic Movement to Nociceptive Stimuli in Elderly Patients. Yang N, Yue Y, Pan JZ, Zuo MZ, Shi Y, Zhou SZ, Peng WP, Gao JD Multidimensional Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Predicts Early Impairment in Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord Injury. Mabray MC, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Dhall SS, Phillips DB, Pan JZ, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Haefeli J, Ferguson AR Mean Arterial Blood Pressure Correlates with Neurological Recovery after Human Spinal Cord Injury: Analysis of High Frequency Physiologic Data. Hawryluk G, Whetstone W, Saigal R, Ferguson A, Talbott J, Bresnahan J, Dhall S, Pan J, Beattie M, Manley G Complications and outcomes of vasopressor usage in acute traumatic central cord syndrome. Readdy WJ, Whetstone WD, Ferguson AR, Talbott JF, Inoue T, Saigal R, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Pan JZ, Manley GT, Dhall SS The Brain and Spinal Injury Center score: a novel, simple, and reproducible method for assessing the severity of acute cervical spinal cord injury with axial T2-weighted MRI findings. Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Readdy WJ, Ferguson AR, Bresnahan JC, Saigal R, Hawryluk GW, Beattie MS, Mabray MC, Pan JZ, Manley GT, Dhall SS 162 Higher Mean Arterial Blood Pressures Following Spinal Cord Injury are Associated With Greater Neurological Recovery. Gregory W.J. Hawryluk, William Whetstone, Rajiv Saigal, Adam Ferguson, Jason Talbott, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Jonathan Pan, Michael Beattie, Sanjay S. Dhall, Geoffrey T. Manley Differential general anesthetic effects on microglial cytokine expression. Ye X, Lian Q, Eckenhoff MF, Eckenhoff RG, Pan JZ Inhaled anesthetics elicit region-specific changes in protein expression in mammalian brain. Pan JZ, Xi J, Eckenhoff MF, Eckenhoff RG Limitations of microarray studies. Pan JZ, Eckenhoff RG, Eckenhoff MF Halothane binding proteome in human brain cortex. Pan JZ, Xi J, Tobias JW, Eckenhoff MF, Eckenhoff RG Rat brain DNA transcript profile of halothane and isoflurane exposure. Pan JZ, Wei H, Hecker JG, Tobias JW, Eckenhoff RG, Eckenhoff MF Screening anti-inflammatory compounds in injured spinal cord with microarrays: a comparison of bioinformatics analysis approaches. Pan JZ, Jörnsten R, Hart RP Cytokine activity contributes to induction of inflammatory cytokine mRNAs in spinal cord following contusion. Pan JZ, Ni L, Sodhi A, Aguanno A, Young W, Hart RP Pathological CNS autoimmune disease triggered by traumatic spinal cord injury: implications for autoimmune vaccine therapy. Jones TB, Basso DM, Sodhi A, Pan JZ, Hart RP, MacCallum RC, Lee S, Whitacre CC, Popovich PG