Role Faculty Location UCSF at Mission Bay UCSF at Mount Zion UCSF at Parnassus Category Clinical Specialties Obstetric Anesthesia Education - Anesthesiology - Categorical Resident, Harvard Medical School - Clinical Process Improvement Leadership Program, Harvard Medical School - Obstetric Anesthesiology - Clinical Fellow, Harvard Medical School - MD-PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion, University of California Publications Retrospective Analysis of Perioperative Dexmedetomidine Use in Retina Surgeries: Impact on Postanesthesia Care. Xiao MT, Juang J, Kim LA, Macias AA Postoperative and postdischarge nausea and vomiting following ambulatory eye, head, and neck surgeries: a retrospective cohort study comparing incidence and associated factors. Xiao M, Yao D, Fields KG, Sarin P, Macias AA, Eappen S, Juang J Design, development, and face validation of an intubation simulation device using real-time force data feedback. Rao GM, Rao VM, Juang J, Benoit J, Feng AL, Song PC Impact of perioperative dexmedetomidine use in cataract surgery. Juang J, Xiao M, Chen SH, Macias AA Fibrin is a critical regulator of neutrophil effector function at the oral mucosal barrier. Silva LM, Doyle AD, Greenwell-Wild T, Dutzan N, Tran CL, Abusleme L, Juang LJ, Leung J, Chun EM, Lum AG, Agler CS, Zuazo CE, Sibree M, Jani P, Kram V, Martin D, Moss K, Lionakis MS, Castellino FJ, Kastrup CJ, Flick MJ, Divaris K, Bugge TH, Moutsopoulos NM Post-anesthesia care unit desaturation in adult deep extubation patients. Juang J, Cordoba M, Xiao M, Ciaramella A, Goldfarb J, Bayter JE, Macias AA Incidence of airway complications associated with deep extubation in adults. Juang J, Cordoba M, Ciaramella A, Xiao M, Goldfarb J, Bayter JE, Macias AA Aerosolization During Common Ventilation Scenarios. Xiao R, Workman AD, Puka E, Juang J, Naunheim MR, Song PC Failure to THRIVE: Non-intubated patients with elevated BMI are associated with increased desaturation events during transnasal humidified rapid-insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE). Zee HJ, Song SA, Song PC, Macias AA, Juang J, Sahani N Successful Use of High-Flow Nasal Cannula for Concurrent Vocal Cord Electromyography and Tubeless Microlaryngeal Surgery in a Spontaneously Breathing Adult Patient: A Case Report. Zee H, Song SA, Sahani N, Macias AA, Song PC, Juang J Oxytocin and Oxytocinase in the Obese and Nonobese Parturients during Induction and Augmentation of Labor. De Tina A, Juang J, McElrath TF, Baty JD, Palanisamy A Choice of Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery: An Analysis of the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry. Juang J, Gabriel RA, Dutton RP, Palanisamy A, Urman RD SUV39H1 Reduction Is Implicated in Abnormal Inflammation in COPD. Chen TT, Wu SM, Ho SC, Chuang HC, Liu CY, Chan YF, Kuo LW, Feng PH, Liu WT, Chen KY, Hsiao TC, Juang JN, Lee KY Cytokines in the perinatal period - Part I. Chau A, Markley JC, Juang J, Tsen LC Cytokines in the perinatal period - Part II. Chau A, Markley JC, Juang J, Tsen LC 3-D imaging of islets in obesity: formation of the islet-duct complex and neurovascular remodeling in young hyperphagic mice. Chien HJ, Peng SJ, Hua TE, Kuo CH, Juang JH, Tang SC Clonal Deletion Prunes but Does Not Eliminate Self-Specific αβ CD8(+) T Lymphocytes. Yu W, Jiang N, Ebert PJ, Kidd BA, Müller S, Lund PJ, Juang J, Adachi K, Tse T, Birnbaum ME, Newell EW, Wilson DM, Grotenbreg GM, Valitutti S, Quake SR, Davis MM Vaginal delivery of paclitaxel via nanoparticles with non-mucoadhesive surfaces suppresses cervical tumor growth. Yang M, Yu T, Wang YY, Lai SK, Zeng Q, Miao B, Tang BC, Simons BW, Ensign LM, Liu G, Chan KW, Juang CY, Mert O, Wood J, Fu J, McMahon MT, Wu TC, Hung CF, Hanes J Magnetic resonance imaging of transplanted mouse islets labeled with chitosan-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Juang JH, Wang JJ, Shen CR, Kuo CH, Chien YW, Kuo HY, Tsai ZT, Yen TC Peptide-MHC heterodimers show that thymic positive selection requires a more restricted set of self-peptides than negative selection. Juang J, Ebert PJ, Feng D, Garcia KC, Krogsgaard M, Davis MM Administration of HPV DNA vaccine via electroporation elicits the strongest CD8+ T cell immune responses compared to intramuscular injection and intradermal gene gun delivery. Best SR, Peng S, Juang CM, Hung CF, Hannaman D, Saunders JR, Wu TC, Pai SI Regulatory T cells: potential target in anticancer immunotherapy. Juang CM, Hung CF, Yeh JY, Horng HC, Twu NF, Cheng MH, Wen KC, Yuan CC, Chao KC, Wu TC, Yen MS A role for "self" in T-cell activation. Krogsgaard M, Juang J, Davis MM Islet transplantation at subcutaneous and intramuscular sites. Juang JH, Hsu BR, Kuo CH Enhancement of vaccinia vaccine potency by linkage of tumor antigen gene to gene encoding calreticulin. Hsieh CJ, Kim TW, Hung CF, Juang J, Moniz M, Boyd DA, He L, Chen PJ, Chen CH, Wu TC Comparison of HPV DNA vaccines employing intracellular targeting strategies. Kim JW, Hung CF, Juang J, He L, Kim TW, Armstrong DK, Pai SI, Chen PJ, Lin CT, Boyd DA, Wu TC Enhancement of suicidal DNA vaccine potency by delaying suicidal DNA-induced cell death. Kim TW, Hung CF, Juang J, He L, Hardwick JM, Wu TC Vaccination with a DNA vaccine encoding herpes simplex virus type 1 VP22 linked to antigen generates long-term antigen-specific CD8-positive memory T cells and protective immunity. Kim TW, Hung CF, Kim JW, Juang J, Chen PJ, He L, Boyd DA, Wu TC Boosting with recombinant vaccinia increases HPV-16 E7-Specific T cell precursor frequencies and antitumor effects of HPV-16 E7-expressing Sindbis virus replicon particles. Lin CT, Hung CF, Juang J, He L, Lin KY, Kim TW, Wu TC Enhancing DNA vaccine potency by combining a strategy to prolong dendritic cell life with intracellular targeting strategies. Kim TW, Hung CF, Boyd D, Juang J, He L, Kim JW, Hardwick JM, Wu TC Comparison of the CD8+ T cell responses and antitumor effects generated by DNA vaccine administered through gene gun, biojector, and syringe. Trimble C, Lin CT, Hung CF, Pai S, Juang J, He L, Gillison M, Pardoll D, Wu L, Wu TC CD8+ T cells, NK cells and IFN-gamma are important for control of tumor with downregulated MHC class I expression by DNA vaccination. Cheng WF, Hung CF, Lin KY, Ling M, Juang J, He L, Lin CT, Wu TC Enhancing DNA vaccine potency by coadministration of DNA encoding antiapoptotic proteins. Kim TW, Hung CF, Ling M, Juang J, He L, Hardwick JM, Kumar S, Wu TC Enhancing major histocompatibility complex class I antigen presentation by targeting antigen to centrosomes. Hung CF, Cheng WF, He L, Ling M, Juang J, Lin CT, Wu TC Effect of University of Wisconsin solution on the rat islet isolation. Lu WT, Hsu BR, Juang JH In situ hybridization in cancer and normal tissue. Kadkol S, Juang J, Wu TC Improving DNA vaccine potency by linking Marek's disease virus type 1 VP22 to an antigen. Hung CF, He L, Juang J, Lin TJ, Ling M, Wu TC Effects of virus expressing CTLA4-IG and IL1-RA on islet xenografts. Lu WT, Lee WC, Hsu BR, Juang JH, Fu SH, Kuo CH Clinical courses and changes of pancreatic beta-cell function in young-onset diabetics: report of two cases. Hwang JS, Juang JH Detection of diabetic retinopathy using non-mydriatic fundus photography at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Liu FH, Yarng SS, Lin JD, Juang JH Effects of insulin therapy on non-insulin-dependent diabetics with secondary oral hypoglycemic agent failure. Peng YS, Juang JH Effect of gliclazide on plasma lipids and pancreatic beta cell function in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Chen KW, Juang JH, Huang HS, Lin JD, Huang BY, Huang MJ Ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration cytology of acute suppurative thyroiditis. Lin JD, Huang BY, Huang HS, Juang JH, Jeng LB [Cushing's syndrome with pregnancy. Report of three cases]. Shi FC, Huang HS, Huang MJ, Juang JH, Chen GW C-peptide response to glucagon in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Juang JH, Huang HS, Huang MJ Agranulocytosis associated with anti-thyroid drug in patients with Graves' thyrotoxicosis--report of 11 cases. Li KL, Huang HS, Wang PW, Lin JD, Juang JH, Liu RT, Huang BY, Huang MJ Outcome following radioactive iodine therapy in Graves' disease. Chen JY, Huang HS, Huang MJ, Lin JD, Juang JH, Huang BY, Wang PW, Liu RT Insulin autoimmune syndrome as a cause of hypoglycemia--report of four cases. Chen CH, Huang MJ, Huang BY, Liu RT, Juang JH, Lin JD, Huang HS