Role Faculty Location UCSF at Mission Bay UCSF at Mount Zion UCSF at Parnassus Category Clinical Specialties Critical Care Medicine Education 2024 - Critical Care Medicine, UCSF2023 - Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Publications ABO Blood Group and Bleeding and Survival in VA-ECMO Patients. Sun GH, Ortoleva JP, Lu SY, Vanneman MW, Tanaka K, Mazzeffi M, Dalia AA ABO Blood Group and Transfusions In the Intraoperative and Postoperative Period After LVAD Implantation. Sun GH, Bruguera C, Saadat S, Moss D, Schumann R, Welsby IJ, Brovman EY, Cobey FC Intraoperative Administration of 4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Reduces Blood Requirements in Cardiac Transplantation. Sun GH, Patel V, Moreno-Duarte I, Zahedi F, Ursprung E, Couper G, Chen FY, Welsby IJ, Comenzo R, Kao G, Cobey FC Stratum, a Homolog of the Human GEF Mss4, Partnered with Rab8, Controls the Basal Restriction of Basement Membrane Proteins in Epithelial Cells. Devergne O, Sun GH, Schüpbach T