Visiting Scholars in Pediatric Anesthesia Program

ViSiPAP is a reciprocal pediatric anesthesia exchange program that started in 2017 at UCSF. It has since expanded nationally to include more than 25 pediatric anesthesia divisions.  

Program goals include:

  • Creating extramural opportunities for networking, collaborating and sponsorship
  • Expanding the community of practice in pediatric anesthesia
  • Increasing academic activity to improve promotion and retention rates for junior faculty
  • Assisting the transition of fellows from trainees to engaged and productive faculty
  • Promoting gender equity and URM individuals in pediatric anesthesia


Types of Exchanges include:

  • In Person Faculty
  • In Person Fellow/Faculty
  • Virtual Faculty
  • Virtual Fellow/Faculty

Exchanges are especially designed for junior faculty nearing promotion and fellows with an interest in academic medicine.  Fellow/faculty exchanges provide additional mentorship opportunities.

How to participate

If you would like more information about having your institution participate, reach out to Andrew Infosino. 

Contact Us

A white lab coat with blue writing that says University of California.

Reference materials, techniques, and other clinical resources can be found on C8 Health