POCCO translational approach helps us to identify and deploy new therapeutic interventions and strategies to protect patients from adverse outcomes. Critical illnesses (e.g. sepsis, COVID, major trauma) and major surgery are associated with important short and long term morbidity and/or mortality. POCCO investigators promote translational research with the goal of implementing precision medicine by refining diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in the field of perioperative and critical care medicine. POCCO is a multidisciplinary team that includes physician scientists, basic scientists, clinical researchers, scientists, epidemiologists, and biostatisticians. Skill sets present include deep expertise in data management, clinical trial design and execution, biostatistical analysis. Our group has a deep expertise in translational research. We develop translational research programs, from theoretical data science to implementation and validation through clinical trials, with the goal of addressing important questions in the field of critical care medicine, emergency medicine and peri-operative care. POCCO is consequently ideally placed to tackle an injury mechanism/pattern from basic science to the implementation of interventional clinical trials.