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The Physiological Deep Learner: First application of multitask deep learning to predict hypotension in critically ill patients.
Cherifa M, Interian Y, Blet A, Resche-Rigon M, Pirracchio R
Goal-directed Therapy and Postcystectomy Ileus: Comment.
Joosten A, Alexander B, Legrand M, Duranteau J
The Yin and Yang of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Acute Kidney Injury.
Legrand M, Bokoch MP
Mild increases in plasma creatinine after intermediate to high-risk abdominal surgery are associated with long-term renal injury.
Joosten A, Ickx B, Mokthari Z, Van Obbergh L, Lucidi V, Collange V, Naili S, Ichai P, Samuel D, Sa Cunha A, Alexander B, Legrand M, Taccone FS, Harrois A, Duranteau J, Vincent JL, Rinehart J, Van der Linden P
ICU bed capacity during COVID-19 pandemic in France: From ephemeral beds to continuous and permanent adaptation.
Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Dureuil B, Pottecher J, Samain E, Joannes-Boyau O, Bouaziz H
ARDS Outcomes in Non-Research Subjects Assessed by Generalized Prospective Trial Eligibility Criteria and Adherence to Lung-Protective Ventilation.
Kallet RH, Lipnick MS, Pirracchio R
Outcome of acute kidney injury: how to make a difference?
Jamme M, Legrand M, Geri G
Epidemiology of sepsis and septic shock.
Chiu C, Legrand M
Anticoagulation strategies in continuous renal replacement therapy.
Legrand M, Tolwani A
Severe Altered Immune Status After Burn Injury Is Associated With Bacterial Infection and Septic Shock.
Moins-Teisserenc H, Cordeiro DJ, Audigier V, Ressaire Q, Benyamina M, Lambert J, Maki G, Homyrda L, Toubert A, Legrand M
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