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Pan Lab
ATF3 is a neuron-specific biomarker for spinal cord injury and ischaemic stroke.
Pan JZ, Wang Z, Sun W, Pan P, Li W, Sun Y, Chen S, Lin A, Tan W, He L, Greene J, Yao V, An L, Liang R, Li Q, Yu J, Zhang L, Kyritsis N, Fernandez XD, Moncivais S, Mendoza E, Fung P, Wang G, Niu X, Du Q, Xiao Z, Chang Y, Lv P, Huie JR, Torres-Espin A, Ferguson AR, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Weinstein PR, Pascual LU, Singh V, DiGiorgio AM, Saigal R, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Bresnahan JC, Maze M, Jiang X, Singhal NS, Beattie MS, Su H, Guan Z
Correction: Expert-augmented automated machine learning optimizes hemodynamic predictors of spinal cord injury outcome.
Chou A, Torres-Espin A, Kyritsis N, Huie JR, Khatry S, Funk J, Hay J, Lofgreen A, Shah R, McCann C, Pascual LU, Amorim E, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Pan JZ, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Whetstone WD, Ferguson AR, TRACK-SCI Investigators
Hypotension requiring vasopressor treatment and increased cardiac complications in elderly spinal cord injury patients: a prospective TRACK-SCI registry study.
Agarwal N, Blitstein J, Lui A, Torres-Espin A, Vasnarungruengkul C, Burke J, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS, Weinstein PR, Duong-Fernandez X, Chou A, Pan J, Singh V, Ferguson AR, Hemmerle DD, Kyritsis N, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Manley GT, DiGiorgio A
Expert-augmented automated machine learning optimizes hemodynamic predictors of spinal cord injury outcome.
Chou A, Torres-Espin A, Kyritsis N, Huie JR, Khatry S, Funk J, Hay J, Lofgreen A, Shah R, McCann C, Pascual LU, Amorim E, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Pan JZ, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Whetstone WD, Ferguson AR, TRACK-SCI Investigators
Decision tree-based machine learning analysis of intraoperative vasopressor use to optimize neurological improvement in acute spinal cord injury.
Agarwal N, Aabedi AA, Torres-Espin A, Chou A, Wozny TA, Mummaneni PV, Burke JF, Ferguson AR, Kyritsis N, Dhall SS, Weinstein PR, Duong-Fernandez X, Pan J, Singh V, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Manley GT, Beattie MS, DiGiorgio AM
Topological network analysis of patient similarity for precision management of acute blood pressure in spinal cord injury.
Torres-Espín A, Haefeli J, Ehsanian R, Torres D, Almeida CA, Huie JR, Chou A, Morozov D, Sanderson N, Dirlikov B, Suen CG, Nielson JL, Kyritsis N, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, McKenna SL, Pan JZ, Ferguson AR, TRACK-SCI Investigators
Diagnostic blood RNA profiles for human acute spinal cord injury.
Kyritsis N, Torres-Espín A, Schupp PG, Huie JR, Chou A, Duong-Fernandez X, Thomas LH, Tsolinas RE, Hemmerle DD, Pascual LU, Singh V, Pan JZ, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Ferguson AR, Oldham MC, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS
Injury volume extracted from MRI predicts neurologic outcome in acute spinal cord injury: A prospective TRACK-SCI pilot study.
Mummaneni N, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Thomas LH, Duong-Fernandez X, Harris M, Pascual LU, Ferguson AR, Russell Huie J, Pan JZ, Hemmerle DD, Singh V, Torres-Espin A, Omondi C, Kyritsis N, Weinstein PR, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Cohen-Adad J, Dhall SS, Talbott JF
Dexmedetomidine Exerts an Anti-inflammatory Effect via α2 Adrenoceptors to Prevent Lipopolysaccharide-induced Cognitive Decline in Mice.
Li R, Lai IK, Pan JZ, Zhang P, Maze M
Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Spinal Cord Injury (TRACK-SCI): an overview of initial enrollment and demographics.
Tsolinas RE, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Thomas LH, Duong-Fernandez X, Harris MH, Yue JK, Winkler EA, Suen CG, Pascual LU, Ferguson AR, Huie JR, Pan JZ, Hemmerle DD, Singh V, Torres-Espin A, Omondi C, Kyritsis N, Haefeli J, Weinstein PR, de Almeida Neto CA, Kuo YH, Taggard D, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Dhall SS
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