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Hellman Lab
Outer membrane protein A (OmpA), peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein (PAL), and murein lipoprotein (MLP) are released in experimental Gram-negative sepsis.
Hellman J, Warren HS
Outer membrane protein A, peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein, and murein lipoprotein are released by Escherichia coli bacteria into serum.
Hellman J, Loiselle PM, Tehan MM, Allaire JE, Boyle LA, Kurnick JT, Andrews DM, Sik Kim K, Warren HS
Release of gram-negative outer-membrane proteins into human serum and septic rat blood and their interactions with immunoglobulin in antiserum to Escherichia coli J5.
Hellman J, Loiselle PM, Zanzot EM, Allaire JE, Tehan MM, Boyle LA, Kurnick JT, Warren HS
Antiendotoxin strategies.
Hellman J, Warren HS
Antiserum against Escherichia coli J5 contains antibodies reactive with outer membrane proteins of heterologous gram-negative bacteria.
Hellman J, Zanzot EM, Loiselle PM, Amato SF, Black KM, Ge Y, Kurnick JT, Warren HS
Porin channels in intact cells of Escherichia coli are not affected by Donnan potentials across the outer membrane.
Sen K, Hellman J, Nikaido H