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Hellman Lab
CRISPR: fundamental principles and implications for anaesthesia.
Perez AR, Mavrothalassitis O, Chen JS, Hellman J, Gropper MA
Postoperative Delirium in a Randomized Trial of Intraoperative Norepinephrine versus Phenylephrine Infusion.
Phero A, Bokoch MP, Kothari R, Fong N, Chen D, Pirracchio R, Legrand M, Whitlock EL
Molecular profiles of blood from numerous species that differ in sensitivity to acute inflammation.
Gregory DJ, Han F, Li P, Gritsenko MA, Kyle J, Riley FE, Chavez D, Yotova V, Sindeaux RHM, Hawash MBF, Xu F, Hung LY, Hayden DL, Tompkins RG, Lanford RE, Kobzik L, Hellman J, Jacobs JM, Barreiro LB, Xiao W, Warren HS
Neonatal Cannabidiol Exposure Impairs Spatial Memory and Disrupts Neuronal Dendritic Morphology in Young Adult Rats.
Wadhwa M, Chinn GA, Sasaki Russell JM, Hellman J, Sall JW
Serum from patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver transplantation induces permeability in human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells ex vivo.
Bokoch MP, Xu F, Govindaraju K, Lloyd E, Tsutsui K, Kothari RP, Adelmann D, Joffre J, Hellman J
Elucidating the Mechanism of Metabolism of Cannabichromene by Human Cytochrome P450s.
Roy P, Maturano J, Hasdemir H, Lopez A, Xu F, Hellman J, Tajkhorshid E, Sarlah D, Das A
Mismatched Postsurgical Opioid Prescription to Liver Transplant Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study From a Single High-volume Transplant Center.
Chen VJ, Guan LS, Bokoch MP, Langnas E, Kothari R, Croci R, Campbell LJ, Quan D, Freise C, Guan Z
Surviving Sepsis Campaign Research Priorities 2023.
De Backer D, Deutschman CS, Hellman J, Myatra SN, Ostermann M, Prescott HC, Talmor D, Antonelli M, Pontes Azevedo LC, Bauer SR, Kissoon N, Loeches IM, Nunnally M, Tissieres P, Vieillard-Baron A, Coopersmith CM, Surviving Sepsis Campaign Research Committee
Association between peripheral perfusion index and postoperative acute kidney injury in major noncardiac surgery patients receiving continuous vasopressors: a post hoc exploratory analysis of the VEGA-1 trial.
Krone S, Bokoch MP, Kothari R, Fong N, Tallarico RT, Sturgess-DaPrato J, Pirracchio R, Zarbock A, Legrand M
Multi-Omic blood analysis reveals differences in innate inflammatory sensitivity between species.
Gregory DJ, Han F, Li P, Gritsenko M, Kyle J, Riley FE, Chavez D, Yotova V, Sindeaux RHM, Hawash MBF, Xu F, Hung LY, Hayden DL, Tompkins RG, Lanford RE, Kobzik L, Hellman J, Jacobs JM, Barreiro LB, Xiao W, Warren HS
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