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Bickler Lab
Reducing global inequities in medical oxygen access: the Lancet Global Health Commission on medical oxygen security.
Graham HR, King C, Rahman AE, Kitutu FE, Greenslade L, Aqeel M, Baker T, de Magalhães Brito LF, Campbell H, Czischke K, English M, Falade AG, Garcia PJ, Gil M, Graham SM, Gray AZ, Howie SRC, Kissoon N, Laxminarayan R, Li Lin I, Lipnick MS, Lowe DB, Lowrance D, McCollum ED, Mvalo T, Oliwa J, Swartling Peterson S, Workneh RS, Zar HJ, El Arifeen S, Ssengooba F
The anesthesia human resources crisis in Canada.
Leir SA, Law TJ, Bould MD
In Response.
Bickler PE, Feiner JR, Lipnick M
Participatory development of training videos for respiratory equipment.
Tim J, Gentles B, Clark JT, Relan P, Lado M, Lin HL, Lipnick M, Rauniyar BK, Rodriguez DR, Velazquez Berumen A
Pressure Control Surrogate Formula for Estimating Mechanical Power in ARDS is Associated with Mortality.
Kallet RH, Lipnick MS
Open Access Data Repository and Common Data Model for Pulse Oximeter Performance Data.
Fong N, Lipnick MS, Behnke E, Chou Y, Elmankabadi S, Ortiz L, Almond CS, Auchus I, Burnett GW, Bisegerwa R, Conrad DR, Hendrickson CM, Hooli S, Kopotic R, Leeb G, Martin D, McCollum ED, Monk EP, Moore KL, Shmuylovich L, Scott JB, Wong AI, Zhou T, Pirracchio R, Bickler PE, Feiner J, Law T
Evidence Against Use of Nitrogen for the Death Penalty.
Bickler PE, Lipnick MS
Challenges of Subjective Skin Color Scales: The Case for the Use of Objective Pigmentation Measurement Methods in Regulatory Pulse Oximetry Studies.
Verkruysse W, Jaffe MB, Lipnick M, Zemouri C
Patient-Level Patterns in Daily Prescribed Opioid Dosage in Single Level Lumbar Fusion are Associated with Postoperative Opioid Dosage and Adverse Events: A Retrospective Analysis of Claims Data.
Koltsov JCB, Sambare TD, Kleimeyer JP, Alamin TF, Wood KB, Carragee EJ, Hu SS
The Global Anesthesia Workforce Survey: Updates and Trends in the Anesthesia Workforce.
Law TJ, Lipnick MS, Morriss W, Gelb AW, Mellin-Olsen J, Filipescu D, Rowles J, Rod P, Khan F, Yazbeck P, Zoumenou E, Ibarra P, Ranatunga K, Bulamba F, Collaborators
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