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Transplant Anesthesia Research Group
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Transplant Anesthesia Research Group
Development and External Validation of a Mortality Prediction Model for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Dementia.
Deardorff WJ, Barnes DE, Jeon SY, Boscardin WJ, Langa KM, Covinsky KE, Mitchell SL, Whitlock EL, Smith AK, Lee SJ
Wildfire Smoke Exposure Is Associated with Adverse Respiratory Events under General Anesthesia in At-risk Pediatric Patients.
Marsh BJ, Kolodzie K, Robinowitz D, Jacobson A, Ferschl M
Days Spent at Home and Mortality After Critical Illness: A Cluster Analysis Using Nationwide Data.
Martin GL, Atramont A, Mazars M, Tajahmady A, Agamaliyev E, Singer M, Leone M, Legrand M
Pragmatic platform trials to improve the outcome of patients with acute kidney injury.
Tallarico RT, Neto AS, Legrand M
A novel approach for the detection of cognitive impairment and delirium risk in older patients undergoing spine surgery.
Barreto Chang OL, Whitlock EL, Arias AD, Tsoy E, Allen IE, Hellman J, Bickler PE, Miller B, Possin KL
Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction Reduces Opioid Consumption and Pain After Mastectomy: A Head-to-Head Comparison With Submuscular Reconstruction.
Holland M, Su P, Piper M, Withers J, Harbell MW, Bokoch MP, Sbitany H
Women Leadership in Liver Transplantation-Results of an International Survey.
de Rosner-van Rosmalen M, Adelmann D, Berlakovich GA, Francoz C, Selzner N, Berenguer M, Watt KD, Man NK, Burra P, Pai SL
Gender and Racial Disparity Among Liver Transplantation Professionals: Report of a Global Survey.
Aguilera V, Andacoglu O, Francoz C, Berlakovich G, Pai SL, Adelmann D, Ghosh S, Lunsford KE, Montenovo M, Mrzljak A, Scalera I, Xie Q, Becchetti C, Berenguer M, Selzner N
Capillary refill time for the management of acute circulatory failure: a survey among pediatric and adult intensivists.
Jacquet-Lagrèze M, Wiart C, Schweizer R, Didier L, Ruste M, Coutrot M, Legrand M, Baudin F, Javouhey E, Dépret F, Fellahi JL
Could Repeated Cardio-Renal Injury Trigger Late Cardiovascular Sequelae in Extreme Endurance Athletes?
Burtscher J, Vanderriele PE, Legrand M, Predel HG, Niebauer J, O'Keefe JH, Millet GP, Burtscher M
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