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Transplant Anesthesia Research Group
Transplant Anesthesia Research Group
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Transplant Anesthesia Research Group
Opioid prescribing practices at hospital discharge for surgical patients before and after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2016 opioid prescribing guideline.
Langnas E, Bishara A, Croci R, Rodriguez-Monguio R, Wick EC, Chen CL, Guan Z
Ten tips to optimize vasopressors use in the critically ill patient with hypotension.
Legrand M, Zarbock A
Peace, not war in Ukraine or anywhere else, please.
Lefrant JY, Pirracchio R, Benhamou D, Fischer MO, Njeim R, Allaouchiche B, Bastide S, Biais M, Bouvet L, Brissaud O, Brull SJ, Capdevila X, Clausen N, Cuvillon P, Dadure C, David JS, Du B, Einav S, Eley V, Forget P, Fujii T, Godier A, Gopalan DP, Hamada S, Hasanin A, Joannes-Boyau O, Kerever S, Kipnis É, Kolodzie K, Landau R, Le Gall A, Le Guen M, Legrand M, Lorne E, Mercier FJ, Mongardon N, Myatra S, Nicolas-Robin A, John Peters M, Quintard H, Rello J, Richebé P, Roberts JA, Rocquilly A, Sanfilippo F, Schneider A, Sofonea MT, Veyckemans F, Zetlaoui P, Zeidan A, Zieleskiewicz L, Zielinska M, Von Ungern-Sternberg B, Abou Arab O, Blet A, Bounes F, Boisson M, Caillard A, Carillion A, Clavier T, Frasca D, James A, Sigaut S, Rozencwajg S, Albaladejo P, Bouaziz H
Hemoglobin Concentration May Influence the Incidence of Postoperative Transient Neurological Events in Patients With Moyamoya After Extracranial-intracranial Arterial Bypass: A Retrospective Single Center Experience.
Mendez NV, Chen C, Richardson AM, Morcos JJ, Deepika K
Digital health and artificial intelligence in kidney research: a report from the 2020 Kidney Disease Clinical Trialists (KDCT) meeting.
Yi TW, Laing C, Kretzler M, Nkulikiyinka R, Legrand M, Jardine M, Rossignol P, Smyth B
Considerations for the implementation of machine learning into acute care settings.
Bishara A, Maze EH, Maze M
Galectin-3 in Kidney Diseases: From an Old Protein to a New Therapeutic Target.
Boutin L, Dépret F, Gayat E, Legrand M, Chadjichristos CE
Opportunities Beyond the Anesthesiology Department: Broader Impact Through Broader Thinking.
Mathis MR, Schonberger RB, Whitlock EL, Vogt KM, Lagorio JE, Jones KA, Conroy JM, Kheterpal S
Performance of renal Doppler to predict the occurrence of acute kidney injury in patients without acute kidney injury at admission.
Schnell D, Bourmaud A, Reynaud M, Rouleau S, Merdji H, Boivin A, Benyamina M, Vincent F, Lautrette A, Leroy C, Cohen Y, Legrand M, Morel J, Terreaux J, Darmon M
Advantages and Limitations of Clinical Scores for Donation After Circulatory Death Liver Transplantation.
Meier RPH, Kelly Y, Yamaguchi S, Braun HJ, Lunow-Luke T, Adelmann D, Niemann C, Maluf DG, Dietch ZC, Stock PG, Kang SM, Feng S, Posselt AM, Gardner JM, Syed SM, Hirose R, Freise CE, Ascher NL, Roberts JP, Roll GR
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