Clinical Resources: Neurosurgery

Awake craniotomy for excision of tumor with speech mapping


Awake Craniotomy for Excision of Tumor with Speech Mapping using dexmedetomidine  (CPT 61510, 61512) 


Craniotomy for Asleep Seizure Surgery (CPT 61536, 61538-9) 

Craniotomy for Awake Seizure Surgery (CPT 61536, 61538-9) 


Craniotomy for Excision of Meningioma (CPT 61512) 


Craniotomy for excision of tumor with motor mapping 

Craniotomy for excision of tumor with SSEPs

Craniotomy for supratentorial tumor

Deep Brain Electrode Implantation (DBS) (CPT 61862 and 61885) 

EC-IC Bypass Surgery

Excision of Pituitary Tumor, Transnasal (CPT 61548) 


Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery

Intracranial AVM Surgery

Laser Ablation of Intracranial Lesions (Visualase)


Minimally Invasive Epilepsy Treatment 

