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Clinical Resources

Central Retinal Vascular Occlusion (CRVO)…also known as Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO) and Central Retinal Venous Occlusion (CRVO)
a. Cause:

a. Elective spine procedures are typically clean cases and merit prophylactic antibiotics that cover skin flora. I & D cases may merit other coverage (e.g. for MRSA or anaerobes or GNRs).
b. Most common choice is Cefazolin

Bite Block:

a. Indications

Arterial lines:
a. Indications

Total Fluids:
a. Data absent, but suggests running a little dry may reduce bleeding
b. ASA recommends limiting total fluids to reduce risk of POVL

Controlled Hypotension:
a. Indications:

  • Proven to reduce blood loss in major spine surgery
  • Also shown to work for hip surgery and maxillofacial surgery

b. Contraindications:

Assessment of coagulation status:
a. Standard labs:
